Sore 🍂

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Numb and sore. That's what I felt that moment. After every storm there is silence but after this storm, there wasn't any silence. I was shaking.

The headmaster grabbed my elbow when he realized that I wasn't going to move. As he grabbed me I fell down on the floor.

" f**k," he muttered as he grabbed my waist just before my body could touch the floor. I felt lightheaded, wasn't sure of what was the reason. Maybe because I cried too much or because of screaming my vocals out.

I was a mess. My hair was all in front of my face, my eyes were swelled from constantly crying, but I didn't stop sobbing.
A tug pulled me closer to the person who just inflicted pain in me. He placed a hand underneath my head and pull me close to his chest.

" Calm down," he whispered in my ear very slowly. His hand continued brushed my hair behind my head and his arm stayed wrapped around my waist.

When I breathed his scent, it immediately engulfed with the chemicals in my mind and in just a moment I wrapped my hands around his chest and hugged him.
That minute brought me a lot of comfort.
I was still sobbing but very silently. I hiccuped. He moved his hand from my head to my back and gently rubbed it up and down.

He broke the long embrace and moved the hair away from my face.

" You are fine?" He asked while cupping my face in his hands.

I nodded my head.

" Come get up!" He stated and pulled me up from the floor and made me sit back on the chair. As the cloth
touched my bruised ass, I couldn't help but whimper.
He filled a glass of water and offered it to me. I took it and gulped it all down with my quivering hands.
He sat on the seat beside me and placed his hand on my wrist so they could stop shaking.

" Punishments aren't supposed to affect you like this, Gulf." He said. " Calm down, boys of your age take worse punishments than this and they don't cry or whatsoever like you." He taunted.

I gulped and tried my best not to start another attack.

" Didn't your parents ever hit you.?" He asked while still holding my hands tightly. The way he calmed me down was totally different. I wasn't shaking anymore.
I looked down and shook my head. My mother never ever raised a hand on me. And a father...I don't have one.

" No, sir!" I said silently.

" No wonder." He said pulled his hands away from mine. " Anyways, if you behave and be a good boy, no one will punish you but if you disrespect, disobey, create chaos, arguments and unnecessary problems then you'll be punished like everyone else." He explained.

I nodded.

" Now, go back. Continue your classes and get some rest. Don't think too much about what happened." He added before getting up, he signed the slip and handed it over to me. I took it immediately and got up.

" Gulf," he stopped me.

I turned around but kept my eyes on the floor.

" Collect the papers Caren will give you outside, all details will be there so go through them and if you have any questions don't ask the teachers, ask the receptionist down." The headmaster said.

" Yes Sir." I replied before leaving the room. I walked to the reception and she handled me two stapled papers with tons of rules. After collecting the paper, I went back down.


After completing all my classes, I went back to my room and stayed inside there for the entire day. I changed into my pajamas, skipped my dinner and laid down on the bed.

But one thing was for sure, I couldn't stop thinking about the headmaster. I didn't feel sad or horrible about the punishment, there was a pain but I didn't care about it. The only thing I cared was how I felt with that man.

I never hugged a man, not even my father because he left me too early before I could even start feeling emotions. So what I felt inside that room and what comfort the headmaster's embrace brought me, it was different.
I turned and tossed around my bed for the rest of the night. By morning I had eye bags and I had to apply make up to hide them.

When I joined my friends for breakfast, I just grabbed a banana from the cafeteria and barely even eat it.

" What's wrong?" Kao asked as he pulled me out of my thoughts.

I couldn't stop thinking about him.

" Nothing." I replied trying to finish the entire banana. I missed dinner and barely ate anything now. Why wasn't I feeling hungry?!

" Didn't you get to sleep?!" Mild asked.

" And why are you eating a banana. Are you sick or something.!?" Champ asked.

" No, I'm fine." I replied.

" He went to the headmaster's office yesterday." Mild said and they gasped after that.

" Really? What happened, did he punish you?!" Kao immediately asked me. I looked at him and noticed a complete different kind of worry compared to Mild and Champ's.

" Yes," I replied.

After breakfast we went separate ways. We did have many classes together but some we didn't. I had five classes today but I couldn't focus on even one of them. Whatever I looked at, I stopped and thought about the headmaster. He was entering my head and messed with it too much.
The way he comforted me, the way he calmed me down, how he touched me.

I want him to touch me again, but in a different way.

" Gulf?" The math teacher yelled and I jumped out of my thoughts.


" Where's your focus" he asked.

" Sorry."

" Get up and come here." He said.

I walked towards him and he asked me to bend over his desk. He hit me few times with a cane. It didn't hurt much compared to how much the belt did.
After he was done, I got up and start walking back to my seat.

" Don't give me another reason to send you to the headmaster's office." He said.

I nodded my head and the class continued.

I really need to drop maths.

Bye maths.

How are you my awesome people??
I see you all wanted to eat Mew alive on the previous chapter😂
Yeah I understand but we still don't know what will happen on the future. You know it's not that always the first encounter will be as we expected 😬🤯

Anyways please,stay with me till the end😌

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