The Truth

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" He has Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome." Robert said.

" What's that? Man I don't do biology. What's even that duct...duct what!?" Mew said with a confused face then kept working on his laptop.

It was a week ago, Robert asked to meet him and they were in one of the classy restaurants in town having their conversation but Mew had so many works so he couldn't stop working over there.

" Gulf...has a normal male reproductive organs but also has a uterus and Fallopian tubes which are female reproductive organs." Robert explained. Mew was left in awe.

There was a minute silence which felt like forever.

" So what you mean is..." Mew tried to speak out.

" Yes! He can get pregnant." Robert Kanawut finished what Mew was about to ask. If he was letting this man have his son, at least he has to know about this.

" Mr. Robert. I never thought there's something like that, but I don't complain. It's just that I'm shocked to learn about that but if we'll be able to give birth to our own children then I'll be so grateful." Mew said and he was really happy for that, it was so obvious that he was, but he looked like he had something else in mind. Yeah he was thinking the first day he had sex with Gulf, he came in him. Would that make him pregnant? No he can't get pregnant now, he's still a student.

" did you know about that? Are you the same case? I mean maybe he inherited it!" Mew asked. He has so many questions there but none felt right to ask.

" It was when he was 9 years old. He went playing but came back crying saying his friend kicked him on the groin. We checked him but we assumed that it won't be something serious, that the pain will fade in no time. But by the next morning, his mother came to me and said that, he was waking him up to get prepared for school but he said he was in pain and when she checked again he had a bulge on the right side of the groin. So we took him to the hospital and that's when we found out about that." Robert explained.

" Oh...and you never wanted to treat that or something!?... Like was there nothing that can be done with his situation at that time?" Mew asked.

" We were asked if we can let him undergo surgery, but they also said it's okay if we let him stay like that because it won't disturb unless he would be kicked like that again so we choose to let it stay because we never thought that he will come to have a relationship with a man." Robert explained.

" Is he aware of any of these?" Mew said.

" He probably remember the incident but about the results and everything, we couldn't bring that to him, he was still so young to understand. And I don't think that his mother mentioned that when he grew up."

End of flashback.

End of flashback

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