Killing Joke

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Harley spun in circles in the chair she was sitting in, rolling her head back groaning.

"Come on Puddin, I'm bored! I wanna do something, you've been 'planning' to capture Bats for forevveerrr." She complained.

Joker didn't look up from the papers he was scribbling in and grunted in response.

Harley groaned again, louder this time.

No response.

She huffed in annoyance and jumped out of the chair.

She walked over, grabbing the edge of the desk and hoisting herself on the top, covering the papers.

Joker squeezed his eyes shut as Harley sat in front of him, pouting.

"Harley....I'm going to give you ten seconds to get off the desk and out of my face before you regret even coming in here." Joker growled out lowly.

Harley rolled her eyes and scooted off the desk, stalking out the office and slamming the door behind her.

Joker breathed in and returned back to his plan, scribbling wildly all over the page.

Harley stalked outside the huge mansion they resided in and sighed.

She flopped underneath a tree in the front lawn and closed her eyes, thinking to herself as she tried to calm down.

Joker was so infatuated with Batman and capturing him, she didn't understand why he didn't just kill him like anybody else who got in his way.

"Just likes the game, always a game. Everythings a game or joke!" Harley blurted out, not meaning to speak out loud.

She heard an amused hum as she opened her eyes to see Joker standing in front of her.

"Games, jokes hm?" He mused.

She rolled her eyes in response.

"My dear Harley, you know you're not a game, or a joke...but this Bat is, and I tend to play the game." He continued.

She stood and tried walking past him before he grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"And if you don't like my ways or intend to get in the way you can gladly leave." He spat, almost whispering.

She shook him off, a disgusted look on her face.

"Yea well maybe other things want your attention, not just that stupid bat. Always ruining things!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air as she stormed back inside.

She went to bed early, angry and fed up with the lack of attention Joker was giving her.

*Few Days Later*

Joker had finished the finishing touches to the master plan, he planned on capturing Batman in front of everyone.

"Harleyyy!!" He sang out into the mansion.

No reply.

He huffed but tried to keep the good mood, maybe she didn't hear him.

He climbed the stairs, looking for her.

"Harley! Where are you?" He called out, getting fed up.

"In here, what do you want?" He heard a voice reply behind the bathroom door.

He walked over and opened it to reveal Harley putting on makeup.

"Are you almost ready? It's almost time to leave and play." He grinned at her.

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