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right foot, left foot. right foot, left foot.


she looked behind her and saw her friend, laying straight in the snow. she laughed as she carefully walked to him. his lanky legs sprawled out in front of him. he grabbed onto her reached out hand, pulling himself up as carefully as possible.

the two continued walking back to their shared apartment, with a small casual conversation.

he looked at her, his nose and cheeks a little rosy, as were hers. "my ass hurts." he joked.

she looked up at him— him being almost six feet— she laughed, the memory of him falling still fresh in her mind.

as the two walked through a somewhat crowded street, there was a mom and pop shop closed off with caution tape. cop cars sat all down the street, the blue and red lights shining in the late evening.

y/n looked on with confusion. "ooh, wonder what happened?" she asked as they came to a stop at the corner before the crime scene.

her friend— who's name is robert— shrugged as he pushed his dirty blonde hair from his face.

a cop coming up behind them, slightly pushing past them. "that uh, kid again. tyler something strikes again. robbed the place, so uh. it's not really a good idea if you guys are here, so leave."

with that y/n and robert started walking, taking a different route than usual.

"that cop was kind of an asshole, don't'cha think?" he stated as they made it to their door. she nodded and walked into the apartment, immediately feeling warmth.

roberts dog, alf, runs up to them and jumps around happily. she cooed as she petted him before walking to her room and hanging her jacket up.

from the kitchen she could hear robert yell something about making them hot cocoa. she smiled as she changed into more comfy clothes.

"i need to run down to the store. i gotta pick up some medicine." she stated, as she walked out in leggings and a baggy 'cage the elephant' shirt. she slipped on roberts oversized jacket.

he nodded and placed a mug in the fridge. "okay, i'll heat up your cocoa when you come back. and, please.. be careful."

she nodded and bided a goodbye. her boots crunched the snow below her. a sound that was strangely nice to her.

as she made it to the pharmacy, she walks in and goes straight to the counter.

"hi, miss mabel. i'm here for my pickup!" she smiled at the older lady behind the glass. miss mabel looked over and waved a bit. she nodded and went to grab the small case of pills.

the bell above the door chimed, signaling someone had walked in. she turned around briefly and saw a guy with brown hair, and another guy with blue curly hair. she turned back around when miss mabel came up to the glass.

"hello, sweetie. here you go, i just need you to sign this." she smiled, handing over the small white bag along with a paper.

after she signed it, she said goodbye to mabel. while walking down the aisle, she accidentally bumped shoulders with brown haired man.

"oops, sorry sir." she smiled sheepishly as she continued walking.

"it's fine." she heard him say from behind her.

she continued to walk back to her apartment, opening up her over the shoulder bag. she stuffed her the white bag inside of her purse. not being bothered to carry it as she walks.

she almost made it to the complex when she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. naturally, she sped up slightly.

"hey." a voice behind her said.

she stopped and turned around. seeing the guy from the pharmacy. she furrowed her eyebrows as he walked up to her.

"c-can .. can i help you?" she stammered.

he blinked, "uhm," he trailed off. "i had something to say but now i, uh.. i forget." he said, his hand reaching up to his neck.

she nodded and started walking away. "right. well, uh. i gotta get going. see you around." she said rather quickly.

the guy stood there watching her as she walked away. she shivered as she walked into the apartment.

"alright, robert! heat up my cocoa!"

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