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y/n sat on her bed, her head pounding. she couldn't stop thinking about that day. the way his hands squeezed her arms. the way his eyes fought for hers to make contact with him. the way he threatened her. she shook her head and tried to get him off her mind.

she sighed as she looked at her phone. she had finally changed her number. robert had taken her out and changed it, she was too scared to go by herself. phoebe stopped by a couple of times since then and helped around the house.

she had taken a few days off school. not having any motivation to get up and go. but today she's changing that.

she stood up and walked to her closet and picked out an outfit. tonight she's going out with robert, phoebe and some guy named awsten. she had never met him or even heard of him. but, phoebe says he's nice, so she's open to meeting him.

she pins her hair back, her hands shaking as she does so. her hands hadn't stopped shaking since that day.

she could've sworn that she had seen Tyler again. last night, she had her blinds open. only wanting the street lamps down below to shine a soft light into her room as she watched youtube. she looked outside to see snow softly falling, she smiled. but, that smile soon faded as she saw a man dressed in black standing by one of the light posts. a deep feeling of dread settled in her stomach as she stood up, and rushed over to shut the blinds.

her heart felt like it was in her throat as she stared at her reflection. the bruises on her arms had finally started to fade. she doesn't have to keep covering them up with concealer.

there's a bright side, i guess.

her phone started to ring as she slipped on her shoes. she wore black mom jeans and tucked in a green sweater. she matched it with her army green converse. it's decent but not too much, they're just going for drinks. not a grand dinner hall.

she grabbed her phone and answered. "hey, pheebs."
she spoke, putting the call on speaker.

"hey, babes. so, im gonna pick up awsten and head to the bar. you and robert gonna meet us there?" she asked.

she nodded, even though phoebe couldn't see her. they chatted for a few more minutes until they hung up. she plopped her phone on the bed and and packed her purse.

a knock on the door echoed through her room, "hey loser, you ready?" robert asked as he opened the door. she nodded and grabbed her purse and phone.

the two walked to robert car and started their journey across town. as robert fiddled with radio y/n couldn't help but wonder.

"are you guys trying to set me up with awsten?"

robert coughed as he looked to his right, his brows furrowed as he stopped at a red light.
"what makes you think that?" he asked.

she shrugged and played her knuckles. it sounded right in her mind but now about to say it out loud.. it sounded weird, almost wrong.

she knows nothing about this awsten guy, what he likes or even what he looks like. all she knows is his name and that he's friends with phoebe. they met though their mutual friend bailey.

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