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tyler stood off to the side of the shop, blocking the entrance, so no one slipped out. josh took the job of collecting the cash, bagging it so fast, tyler wasn't sure if he was even keeping count.

his head started to throb as he watched josh in the corner of his eye. he hasn't been on the top of his game recently, too much to think about. and not enough time to do it. all he wanted to do was to go home and sleep. sleep his problems away. he knows he'd have to sleep for at least, maybe, two years straight to make his problems go away.

he wishes he could just sleep, and not wake up.

be trapped in his blankets and pillows, no thoughts. no problems, no worries, no red-headed dipshit to get in his way.

he took a sharp inhale through his mask. squeezing his eyes shut for a second before josh pulled him by his arm as they ran down the street.

as he ran, his chest started to burn a bit. perhaps, parking the car three streets down want the best idea. perhaps, but who cares.

slipping his mask off and stuffing it into his jacket, josh tossed him the keys, as he stuffed the duffel bag in the backseat.

"take the back streets," josh said, barely able to climb into the passenger seat as tyler started the car.

tyler shook his head, "no shit," he jerked. he pressed the gas and made a right turn. josh squinted his eyes while shaking his head.

"what's up your ass?" he asked, slipping his seatbelt on.

can't break too many laws, now can we?

he shook his head— running a red light, "nothing, nothing. just.. been thinking too much, ya know?"

"what do you mean?"

the brunette glanced at him for a second. normally, tyler was great at putting his thoughts into words, amazing at it, even. he could think of words you'd have to look up the definition to just to understand what he meant. he could make anything sound— almost, poetic. he could be talking about a show he watched, and the way he would talk about it would just suck you in, and all you would want was to listen to him.

"i feel all twisted inside. like, i'm not really me.. anymore. i don't know who i am, i can't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore."

"i was thinking we should go out to dinner tonight? what about you, baby?"

y/n looked over at awsten from his bed. she smiled as she watched him slip on his rings and necklaces. she loves his eye rings, loves' how he always wears them every day. he fluffed up his cherry-red hair and walked towards her. jumping on the bed next to her, he placed a small kiss on her forehead.

he raised his eyebrows, "so, what do you think," he asked, pulling out his phone. "we can go out to eat, come back, maybe watch a movie or something?"

"i'd like that," she said, smiling more than she probably has in the past month.

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