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the night was filled with laughter, eating a full meal, and light touches. as the night went on awsten and y/n loosened up together. it was refreshing to her, to meet someone you know nothing about, and get to learn everything about them.

the two had practically kept to themselves all night, not like the other three didn't mind.

she liked that awsten looked at her while she spoke, nodding along, actually listening to her. her cheeks felt warm every time she finished telling a story of some sort. she would look away and take a sip of her drink. awsten would smile, knowing he was the reason for the blush on her cheeks.

of course, they weren't disrespectful. they did converse with the others. y/n and bailey talking each other's ears off for at least, twenty minutes straight.

in all honesty, y/n had never felt happier.

"so, anything exciting happen recently?" bailey asked, taking a bite off of robert's chicken. he looked at her with a small pout before taking one of her fries.

phoebe shrugged, "i started talking to this girl, ashley." she paused to take a drink of her strawberry lemonade vodka. "she's pretty cool."

y/n, robert, and bailey stared at her.
"you didn't tell us!?"

phoebe furrowed her eyebrows, "didn't think it was that big of a deal! i don't even know if it's gonna go anywhere, but i do like her."

the group chat as a waiter strolled to the table holding a tray. "here you go! two shirley temples and one margarita, enjoy!"

awsten passed out the drinks, the margarita for bailey and the two shirley temples for him and y/n. he laughed as he passed her the glass.

"what's so funny?" she asked smiling, picking the cherry out of her drink. awsten shook his head and grabbed a straw.

"nothing! it's just," he paused, grabbing his cherry and handing it to her. "here, you can have mine." he then continued to sink his straw into his drink, taking a quick sip before speaking. "it's just, i think you're pretty cool. pretty cute too, and pretty pretty..?"

she laughed as he went to hide his face. as he rested his forehead on his arm her hand made contact with his back. softly rubbing it like she was consoling him. he laughed at his choice of words and shook his head.

"they're so cheesy cute, i think i'm gonna be sick." robert whispered. bailey and phoebe nodded and laughed.

y/n smiled as she takes her phone out for the first time that night. she quickly gasps as she sees the time. "oh, shit! it's past midnight, i gotta go. i have a class at seven, i'm so sorry!" she apologized, looking more at awsten than the rest of the table.

he shook his head, "nah, you're fine! i get it— well, i don't cuz i dropped out but.. ya' know what i mean!"

she smiled and stood up, the purple hue following in suit. she quickly wrapped her purse around her shoulder before turning to awsten and giving him a quick hug. her arms went around his neck, while he circled his arms around her waist. she briefly rested her head on his shoulder. she pulled away and pulled out her phone, he smiled to himself as he put his number in. y/n chuckled as she saw his contact name. 


she sent him a final wave as she walked out of the bar. a smile– ear to ear– made its way onto her face. she couldn't help it, she was happy. she felt normal, at peace even. robert looked over at her, seeing her be herself again. bailey followed behind the two, munching on a couple of fries from her to-go box. she was planning on sleeping over at their house, and watch a true-crime documentary. it was something that bailey and y/n used to do all the time. 

y/n looked behind her and skipped up to the taller girl, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "you're in a good mood." bailey commented, chuckling as she wrapped an arm around y/n to stable herself.

"i am, i finally feel normal again. for the past few weeks, I've felt like.. like i was living in someone else's skin." she sighed as they made it to the car. "i couldn't recognize the person i saw in the mirror, but i feel.. good now."

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