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ever since that night when tyler told y/n what he wanted, the two haven't left their rooms. neither of them had answered any calls or texts.

the only thing y/n had been doing was avoiding awsten. well, that and working at the coffee shop. taylor had called her saying she can start monday, and honestly, that's exactly what she needs right now. something to distract her from.. whatever the hell her life is right now.

after tyler kissed her, all y/n wanted was to just run away and hide in a freshly dug hole. or her bedroom, that would be easier. which she has been doing, the only time she ever left her room was when robert made her food or when she had to go to work, which is today.

she stretched as she stood up from her bed. she grabbed her phone and noticed a couple missed calls from awsten, and one from tyler.

tyler: hi. just checking in im sorry if i upset you the other day but i did mean what i said

she bit her thumbnail as she read the message over, and ultimately decided not to respond. instead, she started getting ready for her first day of work.

her mind couldn't help but think about awsten. she feels awful, sick even. the night after the 'tyler incident', she went into the restaurant acting like nothing happened.

"everything okay?" he asked as she sat down, he noticed her face was a little red. he raised his eyebrows.

she nodded and took a sip from her water, "yup, sorry i took so long, the man doesn't know how to shut up." she laughed.

awsten nodded, "what was he talking about?"

she shrugged, "he was just telling me about how he's been since high school, ya know."


tyler sat at his desk, his hand playing with hair, mindlessly. he stared out his window as he thought to himself.

he really did it, he kissed her.

he couldn't believe it. a smile found itself on his face, he reached up and covered his mouth. he'd be so embarrassed if anyone saw him, all smitten over a girl, like a little boy. but he couldn't help it.

all he has to do now is learn everything about her. easy enough, probably.

he really does want to learn everything about her, but to get her to do so if the battle. well, that and getting her to hang out with him, without scarring her. which he thinks he can do now. no, he knows he can do now. he doesn't want her to afraid of him. he want to be himself.

"hey ty," josh said as he walked into tyler's room. "wanna go get coffee? i don't know about you, but i am going through serious caffeine withdrawals so," he continued, dragging out the 'o'. "let's go, baby!"

tyler spun around, "uh, yeah sure." well, the last time he went out did pretty well for him. so, what's the harm in going out now, right. maybe.

he stood up and threw his hoodie on. he followed josh out to the car and jumped in. while josh drove, tyler fiddled with the radio. he settled on a station he liked and bobbed his head along to the song. the smile never left his face.

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