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"are you going to any classes today?"

"no, i'm on the verge of just dropping out and becoming a dancer."

robert laughed as he threw on his jacket. he bid his goodbye and walked out the door. she sighed while alf jumped on the couch next to her.

it's been about a week since she saw that guy, the one who followed her almost the entire way home. she couldn't help but shiver every time she thought about it.

what did he want?

y/n stretched as she stood up, she pulled her sweat pants down a smidge. with arms wrapping around herself, she walked to her bedroom.

recently their heater wasn't working and the landlord had yet to do something about it.

she changed into a pair of black jeans and a random hoodie— that she probably stole from robert. she threw on her shoes and put some food and water in alf's bowels. she gave him a little pat and grabbed her bag.

putting in her earbuds she pressed play on her playlist, she walked through the snow. the sky was a somewhat dark grey while the snow was falling off and on.

finally, she made it to her local coffee shop. she knew the owners growing up, and every time she visits they give her a hot chocolate on the house. only in the fall or winter, while in the spring/summer they give her nice iced tea.

"hello y/n!"

she smiled, walking up to the counter. "hi mrs williams." she gave a small wave. she watched as mrs williams turned around to start making her cocoa. she secretly put three seventy in the tip jar.

mrs williams handed her the paper cup, "here hon, enjoy. oh! and say hi to robert for me!"

"will do, thank you!"

she took a sip as she walked to the table, it was tucked in the corner. it had the perfect view of the outside. she carefully sipped her cocoa when she pulled out her laptop from her bag. she hissed slightly due to the temperature of the drink.

classwork had been puking up over the past few days and she thought; what better way to get it all done than by going to a coffee shop. it is a pretty quiet place, the only sound was soft music and the occasional blender going off.

nothing she couldn't handle.

it is better than being at home and having alf bark at a random shadow he sees, or even robert come in and say something to push her off balance.

she internally groaned as she looked at her doc pages. an essay had to be done about some play that she barely read in class.

she starts typing, taking a sip of cocoa here and there, and even looking up cool words that sound smart.

she heard footsteps come close near her but didn't look up, too focused on finishing this essay in one day.

"here you go, honey." out of the corner of her eye she sees a little play with a pastry filled with jelly. she looked up and saw mrs williams smiling at her.

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