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y/n grabbed her phone and slipped on her coat. today, she's gonna try and forget about tyler— for the second time.

awsten invited her out to his place for the night. it was the first time she'd ever been to his house— apartment. he had a roommate, his name was travis or something. she wasn't really paying attention. her only thought at the time was tyler, why he so desperately wanted her to understand him, why he needed to explain himself. why he kissed her forehead.

it wasn't fair to awsten. to have him right in front of her and she's thinking of another guy. but at the same time, it's not the usual. she wouldn't be thinking of tyler if he was just some normal, un-intimidating boy.

but he's not.
he's so far from that.

she shook her head as she tried to rid him of her thoughts. her heart is pounding, it's been doing that a lot recently.

just what if she gave tyler a chance. a chance to really show his true self— well, maybe not his true self. he's already shown his true self, but rather his softer side.

god, she can't get her mind off him for more than five minutes!

she groaned as she tied her shoes and walked out of her room. holding her coat she said a quick goodbye to robert who was watching some show, with alf sitting next to him.

he waved and she walked out the door. she told awsten she'd walk to his house since it's only three blocks away, but he was persistent in picking her up.

he didn't want her to walk through the snow and possibly catch a cold. he's just too nice.

y/n reached the bottom of the stairs and saw awstens car. she smiled as she ran to it, hopping into the passenger seat. awsten leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek, smiling when she laughed.

the two had never been so giddy until they met. always smiling and laughing. if one of them even looks at the other for too long, they start to break out into grins. true young love, i guess.

it was something so pure, that neither was used to. and it was like a drug, almost. they couldn't get enough of that content feeling they gave each other.

tyler was also like a drug, not being able to get off her mind. thinking about him almost every other minute. but how could she not?

"are you okay, babe?"

she looked over as awsten placed his hand on her thigh. a concerned look on his face while he drove. she internally sighed, and faked a smile.

she rested her hand upon his, "i'm fine, just got distracted for a sec'." she said, leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment. awsten smiled, his cheeks feeling warm. he nodded and squeezed her hand before turning into his driveway.

he parked and the two got out. awsten continued to hold her hand as they walked into his apartment. they waved at his roommate, to which he waved back and continued eating his cereal.

"travis, this is y/n." awsten spoke, pointing to y/n and then to travis. "y/n, this is travis."


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