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it was cold when tyler woke up. he felt the softness of a blanket, but he was still freezing. he reached up and rubbed his eyes, a soft groan leaving his lips. he tried to look around but it was still pitch black in the room. it was still snowing outside while the sky was black. 

he sighed as he tried to sit up. he leaned his back against the headboard. he squeezed his eyes shut before opening them wide, trying to see the room he was in. 


tyler looked to left, and there she was. she was curled into her side. her back was facing him, and her blankets were shrugged off her shoulders. tylers mouth scrunched to the side as he leaned over and pulled the blanket up to her chin. he smiled as she turned around to face him, still asleep. 

he stood up and stretched his arms above head, a whisper of a groan slipping up his throat. he shook his head. headache. he walked to her desk where his jacket was hanging on her chair. he palmed through the soft fabric feeling for the box. finally, he felt the pack of cigarettes and pulled them out along with his white lighter.

he wasn't usually one for smoking. saw it pointless, stupid, but he was always open to trying new things. can't knock it till you try it, type life motto. stepping lazily to her window, he leaned against the pane, snowflakes falling on his hair. he watched as he lit the cigarette, the glowing red embers making his cheeks warm.

he always felt stupid when be smoked, but it calmed him down. he remembered when he first tried it. it was with josh. 

it was when they were still in highschool. josh had picked him up after school and drove him to the lake out of town. they sat on the hood of josh's car, looking at the water. it was green and gloomy, tyler liked it. 

tyler was ranting about something his mom said to him when he saw josh pull out a pack camels. tyler frowned in disgust when he saw josh place the stick between his lips and light it. he couldn't look away however. it intrigued him, he didn't like that.

josh handed him one. tyler took it.

tyler sighed as he felt the smoke leave his lungs. he looked behind him and saw y/n still asleep. he wanted to smile, he wanted to feel the joy of having her back but .. she was never really his to have. she was in his life for a mere three months and he went crazy for her.

he didnt want to believe in love at first sight, never did he think he would prove himself wrong. she proved him wrong. 

shaking his head, he looked out the window again. after taking one more hit of the cigarette, he flicked it out the window. he walked back to his jacket and slipped the carton and lighter back in while fishing out his phone. he sighed as he looked at the time. it was half past three, and he felt wide awake now. he sat on the edge of her bed, holding his phone in his hand. he had a couple texts from josh asking where he was. he debated if he should text him back or not.

he decided not to.

his head perked up as he heard her front door open and close. he looked back at y/n, she was still asleep, curled into a ball. he looked back towards her bedroom door as footsteps became louder down the hall. he could hear the faint sound of a dog panting, and he let out a breath. it was probably just robert. he listened as her roommate went into his room and shut the door.

he started to walk back to the bed, wanting nothing more than to get back into her bed and curl up next to her. just as he laid down he heard a whine and a scratch at the door. he looked down at y/n, his brows furrowing. he heard it again and looked back at the door. he stood up and opened the door slowly.

"whoa .." he mumbled as the dog barged in past his legs. he scowled as he watched the dog jump onto the bed and lay in tyler's spot. he shook his head, closed the door and walked up to the dog.

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