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y/n looked towards the door, her heart pounding against her chest. she can hear the two men yelling at the clerk to comply. she took a heavy breath as she sunk to the floor, kneeling as she peered behind a shelf.

tears started to sting her eyes. she took a deep breath before she heard footsteps coming towards her. as quickly— and quietly, she crawled to the other side of the aisle. pocketing her phone, she stood up slowly and peeked at the man standing where she once was. his shoulders were broad, and his stance was wide. he wore a ski mask that sat snug against his adam's apple. y/n turned around and quickly tiptoed to the employee bathroom. the sound of the man's voice made her take a sharp breath. she opened the door and closed it slowly, locking it and sliding against it.

it felt as if she was too scared to breathe. her head spun as the urge to puke became more and more. she reached for her phone and started to text robert.

"i know you're in here. just come out, don't wanna do this the hard way."

her hands started to shake and tears fell down her cheeks. she wiped them away, feeling how clammy her skin was. she ran her hands through her hair and balled it into fists. she stood up as the man started to bang on the door. her eyes widen while she corners herself in the room. she can't control the sounds of her cries while the man finally busts the door open.

he breathes heavily as his eyes scan over the girl. he furrows his eyebrows while slowing down his steps. y/n yelps as she watches him, her cheeks hot and hands squeezing each other. she shut her eyes while he took a quick look behind him before looking back at her. he quickly pulled off his mask, his eyes begging to make contact with hers.

"open your eyes," he muttered. he shuffled closer to her. reaching out and grabbing her arms, making her whimper as she shook her head 'no. "open your eyes." he said firmly, almost demanding. her heart dropped at his tone and her mouth went dry.

her eyes open and she presses herself further against the wall. "tyler?" she whispered. he nodded and squeezed her arms. she struggled against him, trying to get away. he held his grip on her. he shook his head as he started to mumble 'no' over and over.

"let me go, please. please, i won't tell anyone, i promise." she pleaded. he could feel her entire body shaking, making him grip her tighter.

he shook his head, "i can't take that chance. i mean, i barely know you and i don't know if i can trust you." he spoke, condescending– almost taunting her. he knew how messed up this was– is, but he couldn't help it.

she looked so pretty when she cried.

her face almost burned from her tears. crying so hard it was causing hiccups, tyler sighed. he could almost hear her heart beating. "i promise, please don't hurt me." she whispered. she could hear the other man yelling in the store. she could hear shelves being knocked over, people crying.

tyler shook his head, for what few like the hundredth time. "I'm not gonna hurt you, honey," he whispered.

"ty, where are you, man? let's go, i got it!" she heard the man yell. tyler let go of y/n and slipped his mask back on. she continue to cry while barely holding eye contact with him. he backed away slowly, not letting her leave his sight. she whispered small pleads, and tyler's lips twitched.

he reached the doorframe and looked at josh, seeing him stuff the money– and whatever else he could get his hands on– into the duffel bag. he turned back and took one last look at y/n.

"if you ever tell anyone it was me. you'll live to regret it, y/n." he threatened.

she nodded and watched as he ran to the front of the store. she slid down the wall and continued to cry. she grabbed her phone and called robert, asking him to pick her up.

after about ten minutes, he text her saying he was out front with phoebe. the two looked around in confusion as they saw cop cars and caution tape. she stood up and power walked out of the store. telling any cop she came in contact with that she wasn't able to speak. she reached the car and her two friends immediately started asking questions.

"what the fuck happened?"

"are you okay? did you get hurt?" robert asked as he looked at her through the review mirror. she shook her head and said she was alright, that she just didn't want to talk. that she was too shaken up.

she looked out the window and watched the snowfall as she tried to catch her breath. she lifted her hand to her chest and felt her heartbeat. she wouldn't be surprised if she was having a heart attack.

"i need to change my number."

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