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snow fell as he stood outside, watching his breath fog in the air. he leaned against a light-post, looking around the neighborhood street. he adjusted his beanie with one hand, as he pulled out his phone with the other.

clicking on the number, he held the phone to his ear, looking up at the window. he knows she's there, her lights are on and he can see her silhouette through the small cracks of the blinds. he watches as she picks up the phone and pressed decline. he knitted his eyebrows, as he redialed the number. declined.

he cursed under his breath, starting to type out a text. it was pretty lengthy, but he wanted to get his point across. just as he was about to press send a car pulled up. he watched in confusion, stuffing his phone into his pocket. a person– a man with purple hair, waltzed up to her door. barely even knocked before the door opened. it was like a blur, how fast her arms wrapped around his neck. he could hear faint laughter before she pulled him into the house.

he groaned, almost growled.

fishing his phone out of his pocket, he started to rewrite the message. something sweet, short, and straight to the point.

unknown: come outside, we need to talk. now.

342-***-****: who is this?

unknown: just come outside.

y/n looked at her phone, biting her thumbnail. she had an idea of who it was but she didn't want to admit it. she was finally forgetting about the man that traumatized her. she finally got the image of his eyes out of her mind. the way he gripped her arms, with such force – that left bruises for days. her heart started to beat as she set her phone down. she quickly looked out her blinds and saw a figure standing outside, looking up at her window. she backed away from the window and grabbed her coat.

"where you goin'?" awsten asked, putting the final amount of dye on his hair. he came over to dye his hair, said he didn't want to do it unsupervised. whatever that means.

she looked over at him and tried to fake a smile as best she could. the two went on a couple of dates since they met. a date every other night, for about a week and a half. she had honestly never been so content– until now, but i digress.

she walked over towards him, cupping his cheek, "just gotta go get something outta' the car, left my charger in the backseat." she quickly kissed his cheek, making him smile. he nodded and continued applying the red dye.

she quickly ran downstairs, seeing him standing on the other side of the street. he power walked across the street. he stood at least three feet away from her, a smile slowly inching onto his face.

"what do you want, tyler?" she questioned.

his smile drops, "what do you mean?" he asked, taking a step towards her, pouting as she stepped back. y/n looked at him, bewildered.

"are you kidding me?" she exclaimed. "you robbed a store, and threatened me! you watched as i begged for my life, thinking i was gonna die! and now you're wondering why i don't wanna talk to you? you're a criminal!" she whispered yelled, not wanting awsten or any neighbors to hear.

tyler shook his head, "you don't understand, y/n–."

before he finished, y/n cut him off. "i understand that you're a psychopath!"

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