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the sound of tyler's alarm blaring cut his dream short. nothing too special. it was just tyler standing in the middle of a field the entire time.

it was confusing, he couldn't understand it.

tyler's mind started to wander as he started getting ready for today, he decided to take a nap before going to pick up y/n. dreams, that's another thing tyler doesn't understand. in dreams you can't really see faces. it's like a giant blob, a big blur. a blurry face.

how is it in your dreams you can tell who that blurry face is?

tyler once dreamt of y/n, he couldn't see her face, but he knew it was her, he could feel it, sense it. how is that possible? how can our minds do that? it's like you can feel in your dreams. how the fuck do we do that?

tyler's brows furrowed as he got too wrapped up in his thoughts. he shook his head, a little too harsh. bad idea. his head started to pound. right behind his left eye all the way down his skull. he placed the bottom of his palm to his eye. his eyes squinted involuntarily as he began to walk to his dresser where he had all sorts of over-the-counter pain killers.

aspirin, tylenol, aleve, nyquil, and liquid nyquil.

he gets headaches a lot. more than he likes. tyler cursed as he took the small white pill. (aspirin)

he almost took it dry. he couldn't, he's not ready for that yet. he grabbed the water bottle by his bed as fast as he could. the pill was starting to leave a bitter taste on tyler's tongue. finally, he swallowed the pill, it felt like it was stuck in his throat. he coughed. nope. still feels stuck. he brought the water to his lips once more, taking two big gulps. water drips down the side of his mouth, down his chin, and onto his gray shirt. leaving a darker gray spot right above his left pec. the pill still felt stuck.

he rolled his eyes as he massaged his throat. it was about six-forty so, tyler decided it was time to head out. he walked out to his car and hopped, still thinking about her.

and all tyler wanted to do was kiss her again.

it was the only thing on his mind while he drove to pick her up. the small smile on his face was starting to hurt his cheeks. he hummed softly to the song playing on the radio. for the first time in a while, he felt genuinely good about himself.

this was what he wanted, he wanted to tell her everything about him. he wanted her to tell him everything about her. and if the night goes as planned, maybe he will.

he just wanted to hold her and press a kiss to her cheeks or lips. he wants to be able to do so whenever he wanted. he sighed as he pulled up and parked in front of the coffee shop.

williams coffee sign shines bright above as he walked into the cafe. there was no one in there, just a couple of sounds coming from the back.

"hello," he asked, standing by the counter. he leaned over, trying to get a glimpse through the back.

"we're closed," someone yelled from the back. tyler smiled as he walked around the shop.

"what'a shame," he spoke, "was hoping to meet this cute girl here tonight, guess not."

her head poked through the doorway, "tyler," she asked. she fully walked out and smiled. walking around the counter she came up to him, hugging him tightly. her arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him down slightly. he chuckled as his arms circled her waist, he was mildly surprised. she had never initiated a hug— granted, they've only hugged liked twice. but, still, it was a pleasant change. she pulled away and told him she'll be ready in ten minutes. he nodded and watched as she walked to the back room.

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