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tyler stood off to the side of her driveway, watching robert and phoebe drive off. a fluffy dog's head sticking out the car window.

he closes his eyes and breathes through his nose. walking over to the door he quickly squatted before the doorknob. he pulled out a pick and tried to open the door.

after about a minute or two he got the door opened. he walked in, and closed and locked it behind him. walking around the house he looked for her room.

down the hall, to the right, he finds it. he walks in and looks around, seeing knickknacks everywhere, vinyls, books.

oh, a journal.

he smiled as he picked it up, opening it and reading the little paragraphs she wrote.

'met a guy today, he has purple hair. his name is awsten.. with a 'w'. phoebe made us meet, as much as i didn't want to go, i'm glad i did. he's cute. and oh my god he has two different colored eyes, fuck yeah!'

as much as he hated it, hearing her talk about another man. he couldn't help but chuckle at the way she wrote. like a little girl who had a crush, it's cute.

but, soon his smile drops. he closes the book and walks into the bathroom, seeing empty bottles of hair red dye.

"fuckin' loser." he muttered, rolling his eyes.

making his way back to the living room, he sits on the couch. waiting for y/n to arrive, he needed to talk to her. explain himself for what he did.

sure, he broke into her house to do so. but, tyler knows that she wouldn't willingly let him speak.

finally, she arrives. she must've not noticed him, having her headphones in, she walked to the kitchen. he could hear the faucet running as he waited to be seen.

he sat up as she started walking into the living room. he smirked slightly as she gasped, almost dropping her glass.

"tyler, how did you get in?" she asked.

he shrugged, "picked the lock, i guess." he spoke, so nonchalantly it sends shivers down y/n's spine. "we need to talk, y/n."

"tyler, i don't want to talk to—."

he kicked the table, almost as a warning. she jolted, tears pricking her eyes. he looked at her and cooed— mockingly.

he stood up and walked towards her. she took a sharp breath and stiffened. he cupped her cheeks and used his thumbs to wipe under her eyes.

"hey, it's gonna be okay." he tilts his head to the side. "as long as you listen and be good."

she squeezed her eyes shut as a sob broke through.

"are you gonna be good?" he asked.

she nodded and tried to move her face away from him. he held her face for a second longer before letting go. she cried as he walked back to the couch. she fell onto the floor, her glass making a thud against the carpet.

"so," tyler began. "i want you to know why i started doing this. me and my friend— not gonna tell you his name cause you don't need to know. but, me and him really needed money, desperately. practically broke, on the verge of homelessness cause of our parents, we both got jobs. now, let me tell you, it's hard living off minimum wage, babe. believe me!"

y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes, in her mind. she wouldn't dare do it in front of him, but the way he spoke just irked her, scared her even more. she let out a shaker breath as he continued talking, paying no mind to her.

"he and i decided to start stealing. we started to steal a little from stores here and there. just food and basic needs, really. but.. we got confident enough to steal a little cash."

he looked up and stopped talking for a minute. he looked over at her, how scared she looked. how pretty she was when she cried.

of course, he wants to be on her good side, and making her even more terrified of him wasn't going to help.

"you twisted fuck." he muttered to himself.

tyler stood up and walked towards her, frowning when she flinched. he held out his hand towards her. she looked up at him, confused.

"get up."

she breathed in and gripped his hand. he pulled her up and let her fall into his chest. tyler wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she started to cry. her own arms— timidly— wrapped around his waist, gripping his shirt in her fists.

"i hate you." she whispered, her arms tightening around his waist. "i hate you, i hate you, i hate you." she chanted, letting go of him and lightly punching his chest.

"you terrify me, i hate you."

"i'm sorry." he responded.

she shook her head, once more wrapping her arms around his waist. he started to rub his hand over her back.

her head rested on his shoulder, "no, you're not."

he pulled away and wiped under her eyes with his thumbs, for the second time that night. he let his hands fall and grabbed her own hand. leading her down the hall and into her room. opening her door and walking her to her bed, he let go and opened the covers for her.

a litter of tears fell from her eyes. she sat on the bed and stared at him. he stuffed his hands in his jacket pocket, and held eye contact.

he took half a step and bent down, kissing her forehead. he turned around and walked out of the room, and out of the house.

he never— truly got to explain himself. but, in a weird sadistic way, he felt they made progress.

hello, this chapter took
awhile to write cuz i didnt
know how to.. i wanted a dark
kind of moment between
the reader and tyler but i didnt
want to cross a boundary, so
this is the outcome and the next
chapter will be more lighthearted!
but i hope u enjoyed this
ok ily bye <3

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