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"wait so.. he followed you home, and then you ran into him the next day and you gave him your number?"

"yeah, i have him under 'stalker'."

"you're ridiculous." robert laughed as they walked back from class. their friend phoebe was watching alf.

she rolled her eyes as she gave him a small shove. "hey, maybe it'll be the start of something new."

"yeah, okay gabriella and troy." he scoffed while opening the door to their apartment.

"y/n!" phoebe yelled, a smile spreading across her face. she stood up and ran to her, hugging her.

robert furrowed his eyebrows, "what the fuck? what about me?"

phoebe let go and turned to their tall friend. "i'm a lesbian, rob."

robert walked over to the couch and started petting alf. he was laughing as the two girls walked into the kitchen. he still had a view of them.

"what does that have to do with giving me a hug, 'pheebs'."

"i'm afraid your like.. straightness will rub off on me. then i'll find someone like.. harry styles hot."

y/n laughed as she opened the fridge to start dinner for the three. "what a 'bout paul rudd?"

"he's okay, i guess."
— —

"you got your mask, j'?"

"yeah, i got the gloves too. you, uh.. you ready?"

he looked back and nodded. he watched josh grab a duffel bag and put on his gloves. his heart felt like it was in his throat.

"josh.. when do you think it'll be enough?" he asked sitting on the couch in their shared apartment. he rested his head in his hands, his black long-sleeved shirt scratching his forehead.

"when we're able to get out of this shit hole. only a couple more jobs, ty. and then we can leave, we can go to fuckin' paris or something."

"can we go to new york? i always wanted to time square in person. and then maybe germany? or is that too much?" he asked.

josh nodded. "new york then germany. sounds like a plan."

tyler smiled and stood up. he slipped his white ski mask over his head. he slid his gloves over his hands, the hem just barely able to cover his wrist tattoo.

"wait, maybe we should put these on in the car." josh said.


josh turned to tyler, a smile on his face. " 'feel like our neighbors will think it's weird if we walk out in ski masks?" he laughed. "anyway, let's go."
— —

"hey, guys i gotta go to the store. anyone need anything?" y/n spoke as she put on her coat. robert shook his head, too concentrated on writing his essay for his film class. phoebe asked for red bull. she nodded and walked out the door.

slipping in her earbuds, she sludged her way through the snow. she decided to go to the mini-market on the corner. she didn't even need to go to the store, she just needed some fresh air. she thought it would be a good distraction for her.

she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, fishing her phone out of her pocket. she needed to change the song playing. she hummed to herself as she scrolled through spotify. while finally picking a song, a car whipped past her. she jolted looking up and seeing a honda speed down the street.

she sighed and continue walking down the street. finally making it to the store, the door chimed above her. she walked to the back where the drinks and chips were. y/n waltzed down the aisles as some random 80's song started playing in her headphones. looking for phoebe's red bull she sighed coming up empty-handed. she walked to one of the back aisles as the door slammed open.

"everybody down!"

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