Part 4

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[Y/N PV]

I wake up in the middle of the night from this terrible pain again. It's this time of month that I hate most in this worlds. I know girls have their periods to be able to have kids at some point of their life, but why does it have to hurt like I'm near to death.

"I gonna die. I'm gonna die" I said almost tearing up and holding my lower stomach. I didn't even realise when my sister entered the room and came next to me. She put a heating pad on belly to reduce the pain. It actually helped.

"Thank you." I said muffling. "Why I'm the only one in this family that has to be like this every month. You and mom seems to be more relaxed and not in so much pain."

"I really don't know what to say to you. Maybe your organism is a bit weaker than us. Or to strong, because I definitely know that if I had to tolerate this much pain I would probably be dead by know." She said and made me laugh a little. She was right. She can't even handle a small cut. "You are so strong sister. Now close your eyes and try to sleep. The painkiller you took earlier is going to work soon, so try to relax." She gave me a kiss on the forehead and went to her room. I close my eyes and tried to sleep again.


"Thank God I'm so much better today!" I said realising that the pain has finally went away. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. After finishing my bath I looked my self on the mirror. A smile formed in my face. In less than a moth will be my birthday. I'll turn 18. 25 of December. Christmas and birthday on the same day. If that it's not luck then I don't know what it is. I am a snow child. I love winter more than an anything. Most people say that it is not their favourite season because of how cold it is and they don't really want to get up from their beds just to go to work or school. Well on that they are not completely wrong. But to me there is nothing more magical than winter and Christmas time!

My sister and I absolutely love it. The colder, snowier, icier, and windier the better. Winter is the time to go further north, and not south. Up in the mountain where you can be above everything, where you can find peace and quite and more snow of course! Moving deep in the forest and see how the sunlight dancing through the the trees and reflects on the snow and make it sparkling!!!

I love getting up every morning in the deep winter, and looking out the window to see if the snow has finally decide to come and cover the our little town. The air does smell different, and perhaps what we're sensing is really the drop in barometric pressure, but something is different in the few hours before it snow, and the feeling is different than right before it rains. It's the time when I can finally smell in the air my two treasured smells. That pure and strong cold and the smell of the burning wood from the fireplace. I adore how the streets are decorated with fairy lights on every possible colour you can think. Decorating the Christmas tree in the house with the most beautiful ornaments! Backing cookies which makes the whole smell like like a bakery shop! Every year this is what I anticipate the most.

One of the most wonderful feelings in life is stepping out of your warm and cozy house and feeling a howling blast of frigid air hit you right in the face. It literally takes your breath away and makes every sense in your body feel so alive.

I can't wait.

After getting ready for the school day, I went to the kitchen for breakfast

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After getting ready for the school day, I went to the kitchen for breakfast. My mum is the best cook in town. Or should I say in the whole world. She and dad have a little restaurant downtown. It's where magic happens. I like going there and help her when I have the time. We can spend our time in that big kitchen thinking what can we modify on the menu or to see if we can come up with a new dish. I'm blessed because I'm always the first one to try my mum's masterpieces. If something is not good I tell her and then we try to find a solution together. But to be honest this is something very rare.

Every Monday we don't open the restaurant for the public but for those how don't have money to eat. For the homeless people. My dad used to be like them. He had lost his parent in a very young age, with no relative close, he used to live on the streets for two years. Until he met my mum. She is a year older that him. On day she decided to take a different road on the way home. Walking on the street she saw a boy not to much younger than her in the middle of winter, being curled up in his thin clothes on a bench near the park. She hasn't see him before but something inside her told her to help him. And from that they became inseparable.
And when they were able to open their restaurant, they establish this rule to always help those in need. I am very proud of them!

"Ready for school?" Mum asked us.

"Yes! We have this project to present today. I hope it'll go well."

"I'm sure it will. My girls are so smart and talented. You will do great." She kissed my sister's and mine's forehead.

"Y/n come will be late" my sister said and we quickly took our bicycles and went to the school.

When we got there our friends and my sister's boyfriend come to greet us. We stayed in the courtyard until the bell rang. Going in the class I saw my sister's boyfriend was holding her hand. How he was smiling at her like she was the meaning of his life. He is a good man. I can say that for sure. He treats her well, protects her and never leaves her side. Even when she had some health problems. Thank God now she is fine. I can't help but feel a little bit jealous. Not of my sister, but at that relationship that hey have. I wish to find someone like him. Someone who will take care of me, and someone who I will let me take care of him too. I promise to be by his side no matter what.

"Why don't you try to get a boyfriend of your own. There are many handsome boys in our school. I'm sure one of them must like you" one of my friends said to my seeing me spacing out while looking at the couple.

"Well I am aware of those "handsome" boys you mentioned, but beauty is not everything. I'm just waiting for the right one to come. I know he will. I just have to be patient. Plus none of those boys have succeeded to make my heart thump rapidly." I said sarcastically and went to my class.


"How did things went with your project, dear?" My mum asked as she saw me entering the restaurant kitchen.

"Guess what? We got an A" I said quickly feeling very happy from the outcome of our hard work.

"Good job girls. Where is your sister?"

"She went home already."

"And then what are you doing here? Are you not tired?"

"Yes, but you know how much I like coming here. I thought that you might need some help." My eyes caught one of the cookies that she just took out of the oven. I took one and trust me it was delicious!

"Oh, that's alright sweetheart. I can manage. Here take this food with you and go home. We will come with your dad in a couple of hours, ok?"

"Ok! See you later!"

Our house isn't too far away from the restaurant. I don't have to take the bus, plus I really like walking. I have done this so many times all those years. But tonight I feel something is different. I looked behind in case someone was following me, but I see no one. However I had this feeling that a pair of eyes was watching my every move. I accelerate my walking and fortunately after a while I got home safe. I could feel my heart pumping inside my chest.

But what if I wasn't wrong? What if someone actually was following me? I had never, ever, hurt anyone. What did that person wanted from me?

I took a few deep breaths and try to forget about it. I found my sister seating on the couch watching TV. I placed the food that mum prepared for us on the plates and went to sit with her. I am not going to lie, I am still a little bit scared, I even look out of the window to see if someone was there. Thankfully it wasn't!

After mum and dad came back home, we all went on our beds. Maybe I shouldn't walk alone at night. I thought and close my eyes to sleep.

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