Part 9

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Passing through the forest i brought her near a beautiful lake. It wasn't as big as the one we have back home, but it didn't failed to impress her. Sitting with my back resting on a tree I was observing her, as she was so overwhelmed by the surrounding. She was gazing the water lilies covering half of the lake like she was watching them for the very first time. I notice how she sat down to see if the water was cold. The sun's rays coming through the branches of the trees as if they were dancing, shedding their light on her gorgeous face and her silky hair. It made her look like a goddesses. Which she is. Beautiful! And all mine. I hope she will let me explain! I let her play a little bit more before I call her name.

"Y/n came here please." She obeyed me without me needed to ask her twice. I am not gonna lie, it felt really good at how submissive she was with me. Don't forget I am an Alpha, dominance is in my blood. It turned me on, but I tried to control it. I pulled her down, making her sit between my legs, wrapping my arms around her waist protectively and turned her a little so I could watch her face expressions. She gasped on my action and her eyes grew bigger. But then she did something that caught me off guard. She put her head on my shoulder, one hand on my neck and snuggle closer to me. It was my turn to gasp. I never thought I could have her so close to me like this, without her resisting. I liked it a lot. It was amazing. I could smell her oh so sweet scent much better now, it was calming . It was like the paradise. My very own paradise! I thanked the Moon Goddesses for my luck. I could feel my heart beeping faster and faster, that it almost pop out. She will be the death of me one day. We stayed like this for some time, with her murmuring a song peacefully while me caressing her hair gently.


"I like it when you call me that." I smiled at her words and felt how she snuggled more into my embrace. I tightened my grip too. God I can't stand to lose her.

"Get yourself together and be a man now. Show her that she will be ok with us no matter what." My wolf said.

"Hold back yourself too. If you scare her and she leave us, I promise to never talk to you again and NEVER EVER let you out." I fired back. He need to behave or else I will kill him.

"There is something important I need to tell you." She didn't answer me. I started to get a bit anxious. When I was ready to speak again, to see if she was listening to me, she lift her head from my shoulder. She didn't move an inch away from me. Her chocolate eyes gazing deeply in mine. I could feel how she was looking for something. Something to reassure her. When she felt like she found it, she give one of her biggest and brightest smile (like the ones my mum always give to my dad), she brought her hand on my cheek stroking it oh so gently and said only three words.


Her touch is the most magnificent thing in the world. I can get used to it. She is the only girl who can touch me like this. Why it feels like I am so powerful right now? Why do I feel like even if the worst thing is going to happen as long as I have her next to me everything is going to be fine. The moment she uttered those words, the very moment she looked into my eyes I felt like it's not the gravity that holds me in this world anymore but her. Just her. She is my strength and weakness. She is my life.

"If I ask you to promise me that you will not run away from me no matter what I tell you, no matter what you see, will you do that."

"I promise." It's a first step.

"Ok then, here I go." I took a deep breath. "I want to tell a story about a young boy and his...not so normal life for some people." She didn't said anything, she just nodded her heard like a little child waiting to hear her bed night story, in order for me to carry on. "Almost 20 years ago a baby boy was born. His parents were so happy that they finally get to have a child. He was their first baby and the last. Siblings never came. They adored the boy and give him literally everything he could ever ask for. At the begging the little guy was feeling lonely not having someone to share his childhood at home, but soon enough he realised that siblings are not only those who have the same blood with you. He grew up with his 6 close friend, being together every single day, going to school together, playing, training. Those people were a bit different for the humans that lived in cities. They were...s-special! Yes! They were unique, and they made an incredibly family. A very very big family. When every one of his friend turn the age of 18, they found  s- someone... someone to call their own. As humans call girlfriend/ boyfriend. Well the proper definition is mate. Mate is actually the missing part on someone's life. That one person who is going to stay by your side always, who will take care of you, ask you if you are ok when no one else seems to care, be there when no one else is, who will basically put your life above his/ her own. As all of them found their special one, their mates, that young boy was being anxious and enthusiastic cause he couldn't wait for his time to come. To finally find his mate too. His other half. He promised to himself to always protect her and make her the happiest woman on universe. Always! The years were passing, the boy turn 18 but nothing. She was nowhere to be found. He turn 19 and still no sign of her. The boy thought that maybe she is shy. Three more years passed and the young boy kept waiting. Day in, day out. He was thinking that maybe he did something bad, something so bad that he didn't deserve to find his special one. That for punishment he deserved to be alone forever." I sensed how sad she became hearing my words. Those mesmerising eyes were now filled with crystal tears ready to start their trip down to her soft cheeks. She hadn't take her eyes of me. Not even for a second. Nor she tried to interrupt me. She was just listening so carefully every single world that came out of my mouth. I felt bad but I need to continue. I stroked her hand to soothe her down. "A couple of months after the boy turned 22 he decided to go farther away from his home. Perhaps she lives somewhere else. That is what he thought. He didn't lose hope and start for his big journey. His first stop was a town close to his home. Never in his life he believed that he might be so lucky to actually found her right away." She turned her head to the side a bit and frowned her eyebrows. Cute. The tears though were still there. I hate seeing her like this. "Yes! The young man FINALLY found his MATE!" Once I said that her sad and confused face turned in to the brightest one! Whoa, did she really find joy that a stranger found the love of his life. She is so pure! No one else in her place would seem to care but her...she was genuinely happy for him. For me. I looked at the girl in front of me with only love in my eyes. If you ask right now what I want more in this world, is to stay like this for eternity. With her!

"And what happened next? Did he talked to her? Is she beautiful? Does he likes her? Does she likes him? Are they living together now? Can I meet that guy?" My bubbling girl!

"Slow down with the questions young lady."

"Hehe sorry. But really what happened, tell me?"

"Well, yes he did talked to her. And yes she is beautiful, no screw that she is exquisite! The most ravishing girl he had ever see! And he hopes she likes him back" I said stroking her hair.

"Does she not like him?"

"Maybe. He doesn't know yet. Or if she is not now she will in the future. He will do anything to make her like him. To love him."

"I am sure she will. He sounds an amazing man. Every girl wants a man like him."

"Really.? What about you? Would you like a man like him?"

"Of course I would. Even if I believe that a girl should have her own voice, to stand up for herself with her own strength, to know how to protect herself from danger, I am sure she will be a hundred times more strong with a man like him beside her. A man who will understand her like no one else, someone who will not be scared to show her her faults, someone who will guide her right. And she will be the strength of him. That is what I believe." Her words really hit hard in my mind and heart. That girl, my mate was thinking like me. We are so alike. We are made for each other. It is true. Moon Goddesses always know what she is doing.

"Can I meet him? And the girl. Hm, can I?" Her question took me out of my thoughts.

"What if I say to you that you already have." She tilted her head again.

"I have?" I nodded "Who is he?" She was so impatient to learn who that guy was. I put a tuft of her hair behind her ear and looked deep into her eyes.

"Me!"The moment she heard that word her face expressions changed hundreds times. She went from happy to confused, to angry, to sad, to depressed. Those tears from before they were now sliding down on her face like waterfall. Fuck. In reality i didn't had time to perceive what is going on, to react. She immediately stand up from my hold and start running through the forest. I could heard her sniffing and crying. My wolf was startled too but he couldn't stop nagging me to follow her. I want it that too. What the hell happened?

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