Part 10

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[Y/N PV]

"I have? Who is he?"


What??? A sudden pain radiates my heart. My hole body. At first I didn't realise what he was talking about. It was like he was referring to someone else. But the way he talked about that boy, how well he knew him, the fact that him and Jungkook have 6 male friends. It can be a coincidence, right? No it can't. And the fact that he couldn't withhold the big smile on his face while he was referring to that girl. His mate. What the fuck is that? Why I haven't ever heard of it before? And what he means he is special? So many things were crossing my mind but there was one thing that I didn't want to realise. He had a mate! A girlfriend! There was already another girl beside him. And he loves her. A lot. I can clearly see that in his eyes. God, the passion in his voice when he talked about her, the years he spent just to find that one girl...She so lucky. So damn lucky.

Then why? What is he doing here with me? He should be with her. Why he let me sit like this almost on him when he already has someone else? Why he gave hope that I could be something more that just a plane friend to him? WHY? Is he playing with me?

All those questions and feelings couldn't came alive. I couldn't speak, like my voice wasn't obeying me anymore. Neither my heart. It was already beating for him. Only for him. But he break it in to little pieces. I didn't want to be near him, I have to get out of here. I wanna go home. To cry. To yell. I immediately stand up and start running. With the corner of my eye I saw he was dumbfounded, I left him like this without a word. But I couldn't control it. I was in pain. He even made me promise to not leave him no matter. Did he really think I would stay after what he said. After the way he treated me. Jerk!

I run and run. As far away from him I could. I thought i succeeded it that he lost me. But I could hear him behind me. His steps were faster than mine. I could hear him calling my name.

"Y/n wait. Please. You promised me. You p- promised you wouldn't leave me."

His voice cracked. Is he crying? Why? He have his girl, what is that he wants from me. No matter who much I want to hear him, I couldn't bring myself to stop. Inside this madness I still had my sense on pick. While trying to dissociate myself from him, I heard a load growl. I halted on my step. I felt Jungkook doing the same. A minute later I heard another one. The bush was moving, something was there. Please be a bunny or a a little fox. Please! Please! But it wasn't. Two pair of peach black eyes came into my site. And then...two unexpectedly large wolfs appeared. Their size were out of this world. I frozen on my spot. My breath was uneven. Fuck. Why they are so big? What I am going to do now?

"Y/n come to me. Please come here. I will protect you." He had seen them too. What he meant he would protect me. From what? From those monsters? He should run instead. I must run otherwise I am dead.

"Don't you dare run!" How he knew? Did he read my mind? Those beasts were coming my way. Their growling never stopped. They are scary. With those sharp teeth, their eyes piercing mine. They wanted to eat me, didn't they? Of course they want. You dumb ass. This is probably my last minute on earth. I look back at the boy who broke my heart a few minutes ago, but now all I wanted was to run in his arms. For him to hold me like he did before, I wanted to feel safe again. He look back at me and saw how worried and tense he is.

"I don't understand why you run away before but right now I need you to hear me carefully. Sit down very slow and close your eyes. Can you do that for me angel? I promise you everything will be fine." I would die anyway, so I decided to do what he told me. "Good girl. Keep your eyes shut until I tell you, ok?"

"O-ok." My voice was trembling and low, but I know he heard me. I meant what I said before. I trust him. He will come for me, I know that.

As he said I didn't open my eyes, but I heard everything. I heard someone running and then cracks, yelling, biting, whimpering cover the air. Don't tell me he is fighting with those wolfs bear hand? I peeked through my fingertips to see what is going on and that when I saw it. They were not two anymore but three. And the third one was much bigger and scarier. He had blood red eyes (do I know those eyes from somewhere? They look familiar.), pitch black fur and he did everything in his power for the other wolf to not come nowhere near me. Wait. Why is that wolf try to protect me? And where on earth is Jungkook? Is he alright? As I was thinking about him, the voices stopped. Nothing could be heard, except from the big black wolf who was trying to find his breath back. Did he kill them? Yes he did. Those wolfs where now laying dead on the ground. He saved me. He turned and look at me. Not a second passed and start approaching me. Fast. He run to me. I got scared and rolled near the tree. The big wolf while running to my side he jumped in the air and he transformed to...JUNGKOOK.?


She is fast, really fast. She would be an amazing werewolf. But I am faster. I tried to stop her, I was shouting her name, i didn't realise I was crying. Suddenly she stopped. I did the same. I smell something different in the air. Then I heard the growls. Rouges. What are they doing so far from the mountain? I need to get her out of here. I heard the growls again. Damn they are closer than I thought. I told her to come behind me but she didn't bugged. She is terrified. I can feel that, I can see it in her eyes when she looked at me. I will save you, I promise! I told her to sit down and closer her eyes. I wasn't a fan of her watching a battle with blood and bits, also she would see my transformation. No no. Not so soon. She will hate me.

It didn't take me long to settle those rouges. Once I was sure they were dead and they couldn't hurt my girl anymore I turn to see her. Her fragile body was stuck on the tree, hands above her head, eyes filled with tears as they wouldn't stop escaping. Her sight broke my heart. She was petrified. Of them, of me. I need to hold her in my arms, I need to know she was ok. That she wasn't hurt. I didn't think clearly and turned back to my human form in front of her. Stupid. Her look was...broken. Betrayed. I got there in time to catch her as she passed out. Please be ok. Please...I cry holding her in my arms.

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