Part 15

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We passed the last four days in the hotel room taking care of our alpha. While he was practically in coma, we whipped his body with cold wet towel, trying to bring down his temperature and take away his sweat. Being in rut is rather stressful and chaotic. You need shower like 7-8 to times a day. But he was not in a condition that he could that, so we helped him. I only went out of the building once to go to the nearest supermarket to buy food. We werewolf eat A LOT!

On the fourth day, Namjoon and I decided that the time had come for me to go to the school. Namjoon would stay with our youngest and I had some explanations to do. No idea how this would go though or what was I suppose to say.  


Agh those girls are way too loud. Can't they stop already. Also can they stop looking at me like that. I'm not their lunch... Once I enter class I tried to spot Luna. I could smell her so I knew she was in here. When I found her I went and sat next to her. She obviously was in search for for Jungkook, but at the begging she was too shy to ask. As the time passed by and seeing her contemplate with herself, she ask the big question.

"Where is Jungkook."

I could not lie to my Luna so I tried to avoid answering until the class finishes. Going to the cafeteria for our lunch she asked again. Remember Jimin you cannot lie. 

"Alright, you better say the truth now Jimin. No more lies."

"I'm not lying."

"Yes you are. It's written all over your eyes. So you better speak the truth"

"Okay. So Jungkook didn't come because he is being sick. There, you feel better now?" I could not understand why I was so rude with her right now. It was my idea to come here and talk to her from the begging. Jungkook is going to kill me...

"Sick? Is he okay? Does he need anything? Can I go see him?"

"NOOO! NO! You for sure CANNOT GO!"

"And why is that?"

" you can be sick too, a-and he has a high fever and needs to sleep like all day. Yeah yeah. So you have nothing to do even if you go there. I can take of him just well."

"But if you are here then who's I taking care of him. Did you leave a sick person all alone?" fury could be seen in her brown-orange eyes. I'm going  to heavens in any moment now, I feel it. I love you my beautiful Rose!

"I love you to my Jimin. What is going on?"

"I hope I live to tell you later. But if Luna kills me then please remember that you are the only reason I breathe. You are my happiness!"

"My little troublemaker, I don't think a human have such a power to kill. You will survive. If not I will bring you back to life and then kill you with my own hands because you will have leave me all alone." I could almost see the pout in her  stunning face. I do really love her!

"If it's from your hand then I would gladly die my love. Talk to you later." I said and then cut the link that from the begging I hadn't noticed it was open. While I was talking to my mate, to Y/n it would probably looked like I was daydreaming. And now I could see the fire lighting up her eyes thinking I was ignoring her. Someone save please.

"Jimin! I'm talking to you!"


"Did you leave him alone?"

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