Part 14

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Two days he said. Two days he would leave me alone, to...think. Well right now we are on the afternoon of the second day. Am I suppose to feel any different? Am I suppose to miss him? Not miss him? I have no idea what it is going on my mind and heart. There are moments I'm catching myself thinking of him and I do sense a bit lonely at the thought that he is not next to me, annoying me, or that I would not see him again. Soon at least. Do I want to meet him again? Why everything is so hard. On the other hand my mum said to me yesterday to give this boy a second chance. Honestly I think he deserve it. A cannot say he is a bad h-u-m-a-n. He did treat me like a gentleman, and carry me to my home when I injured my leg. It was his fault but still he did the right thing after. He was always nice and kind towards me. And damn I can't get out of my mind that beautiful, capturing bunny smile of his. And when he turns shy...Uhhh, he will be the death me. I know it! Okay, okay Y/n let's let today pass too and then tomorrow when he come to school, you are going to apologize for the way you talked to him and try to be friend with him. Yes! That's a good plan I suppose. Should a wear a nice outfit too? Of course I do!

It's been two more days. Four in total since the last time I met him. Or Jimin. Neither of the boys came to school or passed by my parents restaurant or my house. It has started to worry me a little. He did said he will come back. Do you think he change his mind and thought that I'm  not worth it and that I was rude to him, so he left? Oh no! Please let no this be real. I promise I'll try harder next time. I'll be kind too. I'll d whatever he wants me too. It is scary to think all the things I'm capable of doing right now just to see him one more time. This is so terrifying. Is it possible in just some days to see thing from another point of view. To want more than anything to be with him. Okay, defiantly something is wrong with me. It is like in this little bit of time I did an high ass jump. Like a turned 360o. I'm weird, I know. The void in my heart can't even compared  when my beloved sister was away from home for the first time and separate from me when she went on that 3 days trip with school. It's like my anxiety growing every single second that he is not showing up.

Where is he? Did something bad happened to him? Did he leave? Is Jimin okay? What if they are trap somewhere and they can't get themselves out?

Before any more thought could cross my mind  and created a bigger crack in my heart, I heard the classroom door opened with a loud crash. Setting my eyes up from my desk and saw Jimin there standing with all his glory in the most attractive outfit ever looking around in class before he spots me. I could also hear the girls fingerling over him once again and being more than happy that he finally come back. But my smile dropped when realization hit me. He was alone. Where the hell is Jungkook?

"Can I sit with you Luna? They are way too loud. Uh, I hate when they do that." there is that name again. How many times do I have to tell him that my name is Y/n!

"Ah yes. You can."

"Thank you" he almost bowed to me. He still seams a bit crazy to me. But you know what is the most crazy part. That he is not smiling. From the very first I met him he had that happiness painting on his face. He seemed content. But now, nothing. Okay, now I'm sure that defiantly something must have happened.

"Did you came alone?"

"Yes" silence again. Do I have to ask myself? Will he not tell me where the other lunatic friend of his is? Well here goes nothing...

"Um, Jimin can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." 

"Wher-where is Jungkook?" 

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