Part 7

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[Y/N PV]

Having my sketchbook on my desk, I was drawing again that animal. He/she was coming often in my dreams. I never got the chance to see its clear form, but I am convinced that it is a wolf. He/she always looks at me with those blood red eyes. Every time we would looked on each other's eyes it was like the world stopped. Time was no more of a concern. The crazy thing it was that the wolf never tried to come near me, to hurt me and I never run away. For some reason I can't explain, I wasn't scared of it. It looked soft. Weird, right?

Lost in my thoughts my ears pick up the sound of what teacher said. New students. Once I raised my head I saw two boys standing next to her. A blond boy with squishing cheeks, and plump lips and crescent moon eyes when he smiles. Cute! Now I understand why there are so many screamings. Jimin was his name.

My eyesight drifted to the other boy next to him

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My eyesight drifted to the other boy next to him. The whole world stopped. I felt my classmates and teacher getting blurry, it was like only the two of us were there at the moment. None else. Just us. That boy over there was the most good-looking, stunning man I have ever seen. Tall, nice build body, dark black hair, big doe eyes, kissable lips (why do I suddenly have the need to taste them) with a cute mole underneath them. There is an other one on his neck...wait. Why do I look someone's neck... Stupid Y/N. And damn that jawline, so sharp, it gives me goosebumps. He also had this dominant aura emit from him, which made him more hot. Handsome as hell. Jeon Jungkook. Even his name sounded hot.

He was pulling me to him like a magnet

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He was pulling me to him like a magnet. I couldn't avert my eyesight even if I wanted to. But all of a sudden something strange happened. Once we looked our eyes, I saw his turning red for a moment. What the hell was that? Is he a vampire or something? Nhh, my mind just plays games with me. I must be very influenced by that wolf in my dreams. He lowered his head, after that and he moved to my way. I was getting nervous for some reason. I needed him to be close to me but at the same I wanted to run away. Although I was impressed by him, I didn't know what his true colours were yet. He pass me and sat with the other boy two seats behind me.

The whole day I could feel a pair of eyes glued to my back. I was in the edge and I couldn't calm down myself. My classmate behind me tapped my shoulder asking me something about an exercise we had. As I turns to his desk to write on his notebook he touched my hand wanted to hold it. I knew he likes me but I never think of him more than a friend. Once he tried to do that a loud growling was heard. A what??? What the fuck was that??? I look around and i saw Jungkook staring at him with so much anger in his eyes, almost like he wanted to kill him. Poor boy. Now that's scary. I quickly pulled my hand from his grip and turn back on my seat.


"Why I am so far away from her?"

"Kook you are literally 2 meters away only." Did I mind-link him? I haven't noticed.

"That's too far."

Class was boring so I had only one thing to do. Observing her! I could see clearly now her brown long hair, curled at the ends, those big brown eyes were glued to the teacher answering almost every question. My girl is smart! I could see how see was chewing the end of her pen while thinking. Cute! Suddenly the guy in front of me touched her shoulder. I definitely didn't like that, but I couldn't do anything. Probably he asked her something about the courses cause she was writing now on his notebook. But the next thing that happened it almost make my wolf to come out. HE HOLD HER HAND! DOES HE HAVE A DEATH WISH? NO ONE TOUCH HER EXPECT ME!!!!!!
I couldn't hold my wolf back. He growled. Well if you want my opinion he did the right thing. He must know his place. Which as far away from MY MATE as possible. I saw how she seemed to be nervous but at that time the boy was my number one problem.

"Should I kill him?"

"No Alpha. Remember people here don't know what we are. You don't want to start a war, do you? Calm yourself down and relax. I'll make sure that boy never goes near Luna again"

"You better." I answered back fuming.

The guy must has been scared of me cause he never tried to approach her again for the rest of the day.
There was one thing bothering me. I still didn't know what her name was. I- I wanted to ask her but why did I feel shy all of the sudden?

When the class ended I gathered all the courage inside me, took a few deep breaths and went to her.

"H- hey!" Idiot. Why did you sutured? Great, now she will thing you are stupid.

"Em, hello! You are one of the new students, right!" OMG that was the most melodic voice I have ever heard! Even my wolf couldn't handle it. I felt him being curled up in a corner in my mind being all shy just because she was looking at us. That big intimidating giant is transformed now into a puppy. Whoa!

I nod my head. Speak you douchebag. What? Did you lose your voice now except from your mind.?

"My name is Y/N. Lee Y/N. Nice to meet you!" She said with her sweet voice like the angel she is and gave me her hand. I gave back mine. When I touched her hand I felt like my entire body being on fire. A felt those sparkles that everyone was talking about. I think she felt them too, cause she looked straight at me making her eyes bigger. Can you please stop. I don't want to die yet.

"I am Jungkook! And this is my friend Jimin!" Good job. At least you didn't lose your lines.

"Hello Lu-  Y/N! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi!" She smiles back at him. No!!! Don't!!! Her smile is supposed to be only for me. I am gonna kill that dwarf.

"So are you guys from here? I haven't see you before?"

"Ah, no we live up on the mountains. We...we just got here. But it's temporarily." Jimin explained as he saw that I was not in a place to answer. Yes I was still lost in her, any problem with that. She is mine anyway.

"Ohh,'re not staying?" Why did I saw sadness in her gaze when she realised that we weren't going to stay for long?

"Probably not. We have something important settle here before we leave ."

"I see. Well at least as long as you are you must see our town and taste it's delicacies! My parents owns a little restaurant, do you wanna come there for lunch. I promise you won't be disappointed. My mum is the cook!"

The restaurant she mentioned must be the one we saw her getting out last night. The first time I saw her.

"We would love to!" Now it was me taking the lead. I wasn't gonna waste such opportunity.

"I am afraid I can't come. I- I have something significant to do. But you Jungkook can go. I'll see you later. It was my pleasure meeting you Y/N." I understand he was giving me some time alone with her. I can't ask for a better friend, can I? We said goodbye and he left.

"Shall we?"

"After you"

"What a gentleman! Follow me then." She giggled. You'll be the death of me. I swear.

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