Part 19

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Dinner was joyful. Mum, dad and Kook made a great company. They talked and laughed and why not teasing each other and me sometimes. At the end my mum showed him my baby photos which was pretty embarrassing. Why should the man I like have to look my 2 year old self, butt naked...huh, I hate my family sometimes. 

After that bonding time and checking the clock I knew that the time he had to leave had come. Sadness filled my entire been. Honestly, if could I would have stayed glued to him all the time. Am I being weird? 

"Mrs. Y/n/M thank you so much for the amazing dinner, the hospitality and of course for the photo entertainment!! But it's my time to leave."

"We really like you Jungkook! You can come to our house anytime. I told you already, you are always welcome, no need to ask."

"Thank you so much!"

"Why one of the next days don't you two drop by our restaurant? We can cook together again."

"That would be wonderful!" § "Why? So you can leave alone again." Jungkook and I said at the same time.

"Oh, do not worry Y/n. I will help your mum to prepare the plates but we dine together." was that wink necessary? Cheeky little bastard.

"We will see."

"Are you playing hard to get to your friend Y/n?"

"He is not my friend."

"Oh, no? Then what is he to you my lovely daughter?" I do not know either my lovely mum. Instead, I just looked into her eyes and then moved to Jungkook's. Practically he IS my friend, but after what happened a few hours ago, in my room, did that little incident brought anything new to our relationship? I do not know. We still have not talked about it.

"Please do not listen to her mrs. Y/n/m, me and Y/n are friends! The very best ones out there!" That confident on his words, the outstanding smile on his face and the lovely look he had on me could not make me think that there's a crack between us. "You do not have to get up, I know where the door is. I will take my leave now. Thank you again for all very much!"

"I'll walk you out." He was leaving and I only wanted to go along with him. Before we could make our way far I heard my father talking.

"Young man why don't you stay for the night. It is late, dark outside for a kid to walk alone and I am sure you will feel comfortable in our guest room."

I saw the doubt in his eyes. The wavering between staying and accepting my father's offer or leaving right this second. Whatever he chooses I will respect it but I feel like my whole body, every cell on it, is screaming for him to stay. With me.  Eee, I mean us!

"Maybe some other time mr. Kim. I have to go back, plus there is something important I have to take care of tonight."

"As you wish. My offer is still on the plate."

"Thank you sir  but no. At least not this time." Did that mean that I will get a chance to live with him for a whole night under the same roof...OMG "And do not worry, I am very capable of taking care myself just fine." There was this outstanding confident when he was uttering those words. Αs if he is indestructible. We reached the patio outside my house, I knew that my parents could watch us if they wanted to, but I did not care. So I walked and stand right next to him, as close as possible, and gave him a hug.

"Wow, I'm not complaining but what is this about?" he said tighten his Strongs arms around my back.

"Just to say goodbye to you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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