Part 18

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Why don't we have a bit more fun then! Shall we?!

"Do you want to review our paper before dinner?"

"Do it yourself!"

"But I need your opinion too! Am not as smart as you!"

"Not my problem. Go find someone else to work with you." Oh oh. She is way more mad than what I thought. My beautiful mate, you have no idea what you got yourself into.

"Ok. Then I will tell your parents that I cannot stay for dinner today. I have a lot of work to do and I better hurry up. Maybe that girl that always sits on first row can help me. What do you think? Or maybe the blond one that always asks for my number. I better go and ask them." Τhe bait fell.

" Why your only options are girls. What about the boys in our class?"

"Nah, boys are stupid. Plus they make me bored. A girl's company is always better. Much much better!"


If he thinks even for a second that I will let him pass time with another girl that is not me, he is dreaming. 

"I am a girl, why do you not stay with me then?"

" were the one who told me to leave and search for another person. Am I wrong Y/n?" That almost obscene way he pronounces my name and how low his voice goes...can get me on my fucking  knees. "Am I Y/n?"

"Yes, I told you that, but now I change my mind."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes! So we better begin if we want to finish fast. Mum is very strict about food on time."

"Whatever you say boss."

For the last two hours we read and read and read again every single page on our project. We made the corrections on every error we found, thankfully there were not a lot. We had done a very good job. We are such a great team, working harmonically together. Time to pack our staff and heads towards the kitchen. I know mum hasn't call us yet, but I am way too hungry to wait any longer.

 Also if I stay any more minute with that guy in the same space I think I will lose my damn mind. Still I cannot understand why he has that effect on me. Being near him, be able to smell his nature scent or when he wears that addictive cologne of his, I just want t-...argh no I'm not doing this. Shut down your filthy mind Y/n. What will he think if he could hear what I imagine about him. Not going to stay by your side any long. Specifically now that he has someone that he is attracted to.

"Ok. I think we done! Good job Kook!"

"Well done to you too Y/n!"

"You can go first down, I will finish clean the mess we made, put the paper on my bag and will come find you guys."

"Oh no. I will stay here and help you. Plus you know I cannot be away from that gorgeous face of your."

"Will you stop with all these compliments?"


"You are such a baby."

"Yeah, but you are my baby."

"Haha very f-" wait a minute. What did he just said? I am his what now? NO. NO. Some problem there has to be with my ears. There is no way he called me his baby. I strongly refuse to believe in that messy mind of mine. "What did you said?"

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