Part 17

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"Thank you for allowing to come to your house Y/n. That means a lot to me. Honestly!"

"And I thank you for being such a gentleman and you didn't try anything weird."

"I wouldn't even think of it. You are scary when you get angry. And I for sure do not want to get on your bad side. See you tomorrow at school." 

Kiss on the cheek. 


How will I survive this...

"Uh, g-goodnight Jungkook." I was a blushing mess all over again.

"Cute! Bye sweetheart!" he waved at me and got lost in the dark. I hope he arrives safe on his house. No, wait a minute at the hotel. Were his home is? I have to ask him one day. Also why am I concerned about his safety, he can protect himself why better than any of us.

Tonight was so expected. In a good way though. If he continues like that I MIGHT actually like him. Oh. how am I kidding. I already like him and maybe more that I should. Could it get any worse? With my thoughts filled with HIM I lay on my bed ready to sleepy. Maybe Jungkook's and Jimin's coming to our school was not a bad thing to do.

In the last week, almost every afternoon, Jungkook was coming to my home. Tomorrow is final the day that we have to hand the paper to our teacher and thankfully for us, we finished it yesterday. But a review on it, is never a bad thought. So he is coming tonight too. It was inevitable that on one of these visits he would also meet my parents. My sister was the first he met, since we happened to be walking back home together from school one afternoon. She was so happy that I finally have a new friend. And since it was a boy too, and a very handsome boy at that, she was excited and kept giving me suspicious glances and throwing insinuations. As for my parents... My mother could not have beamed more with happiness once she saw him again. She had asked me several times what had happened after the incident I had narrate her about, but I always avoided answering her. And now she is doing like a 5 year old girl.  Fangirling over  MY own friend. Two days ago they even cooked together again. I can say that when these two are in the kitchen, they are doing magic! Masterpieces!

Ding dong

"I'll get it!" I shouted so they can hear me. Even though we were together all day at school, I had this huge urge to see him again. To be close to him. Well there is my chance then. "Hi"

"Hey beautiful! I missed you!" How can the firsts words that leave his mouth make me feel so flustered? And that warm hug that he gives me every time he sees me, every morning at school, each time he visited my house, it had become my absolute favorite habit. My little devil part is also exited since this give me the chance to get a sniff from his so domestic and addicted sent. You do not have to tell me, I know I am weird enough already. 

"We were with each other only a few hours ago. How could you possible have missed me?" well I'm a little devil myself ...hehehe...

"Even a second without you feels like the longest hours in hell."

"Hahaha! That was cheesy. Even for you Jungkook."

"If my jokes make you smile like that then prepare yourself, I have a whole bookshelf filled with them!"

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