Part 11

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What the hell just happened? In less than 24 hours I have found the girl I was looking for all my life, I went to her school, to her parents restaurant, spend time with her, told her my story, saw me transforming into a wolf and now she is unconscious in my arms..? Did I just destroyed my only chance to be with her. Is she going to hate me now? What are you even thinking, you bastard? She seems like dead and you're thinking of yourself right now? I need to take her home. No I must take her to the hospital. Yes, that's what I have to do.

Without wiping my tears that were now all over my face, I tried to take away the hair from her beautiful face and lift her up. But before I could do that I saw her opening her eyes. Looking at her carefully, trying to feel her mood and what she is feeling, what she is thinking, she turned her face towards me...I haven't been more devastated in my life. The look she gave me. Like I was nothing more that the biggest failure. Like she wants nothing to do with me. Her eyes were big and wide, filled with tears. She was scared of me. The only thing I never wanted to happen.

"Don't touch me!" she sought and distanced herself from me. I wanted to cry my eyes out. And I did.

"Please don't be scared of me. I would never, ever hurt you" I tried to hold her again.

"Stay away from me, you creep! Who are you? What are you? What do you want from me?"

There were so many things I wanted to say to her, to recite my life but I couldn't bring myself to form a single word. I was losing my Everything, that's what it felt like.
"Please let me explain. I promise that I won't hurt you. I won't even come close to you if you don't want me to. But please...please hear me out" my voice was broken but I couldn't pretend to be strong anymore. Not with the thought that I might lose her. That I might never see her again.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. I want to go home and never see you again in my life" That hurt like a bitch. "How could I be so foolish, sneaking in the forest with you! I only know you for a day and I acted like an innocent little child. I followed you here without thinking. Because it felt right. It felt so right to be with you that.."

"It is right to be with me!" I said back.

"I could have been killed because of you!"

"NO! No, I would have never let that happened. You're always safe with me angel"

"Don't call me that! And what the hell are talking about! A moment ago you were a...a g-giant wolf. You almost killed me."

"NO! I tried to protect you from the other wolfs! They could smell your fear. They would have attacked you." My voice was so broken. How can she think that I could ever kill her. She is my special person. My one! I would die on the spot if something ever happened to her.

"You were a wolf..." she mumbled to herself. Then she looked at me. Fear, anger, disappointment could be clearly seen in her eyes. "I want to go home!" that was the last sentence she said before she tried to stand up again and walk away. She almost felt but I caught her on time.


"Your foot is hurt. I want to help"

"You did that a lot already, don't you think?"she was literally fuming.

How did I brought myself in a situation like this. Everything was perfect until I told that stupid story of my life. I shouldn't have done that. It was way too soon. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
"I'll help you go home, and then if you do not want to see me again, I promise to never show my face to you ever again." For a moment, just for a moment a saw her debating with herself. But the answer was not what I hoping. How could it be after all this.

"Yes! Yes you do that! I'm only letting you help me because I can't walk properly, but the moment I'm in my house I want you to disappear! For ever!"


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