Part 16

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I will get to see her today! Finally! Ah, I missed her so much. Her sweet scent, her capturing features, her captivating eyes. She is perfect. And all mine. Well, let's hope so.

I didn't go to her house today, although my wolf was restless and wanting to see her as soon as possible, I thought it would be better to meet again in a more neutral place. Somewhere that  she will feel safe due to other people being around us. I do not want her to fear me.

I may not went to her home but I was one of the first students that arrived to school. I'll wait  outside the gates until she comes.

"What do you thing she will wear today?" that damn wolf cannot stop thing about her. Well I cannot blame him, I can't either.

"No matter  what she will wear I'm sure she will be beautiful!"

"We are so lucky! She is so pretty. And smart and kind and bright and it makes me want to hide her from everyone. To keep her safe in our arms."

"You have no idea how much I wish I could that. I do not wish to trap her. Just to make sure she is always okay and by my side. That way I would be at peace. Now I'm constantly contemplating on what she is doing or if she in trouble."

"One day Jungkook, one day she will see what we are to her, how important she is to us and will never  leave us. Then it will be the time I can finally breathe again. When she will decide to stay with us."

"She is our whole world!"

"She is!"  I know our love for her could only grow and never scales down. "Yah Jungkok can you smell that. Its her!" his tale was going right and left on my head. Looks like he is happier now that she is here more than me. Not true!

I turn my head to see her. Wow, what a vision! So beautiful! I could look at her for hours and never get tired of her. I waited until she reached the gate to great her properly.


Walking to school I realized how early I was. Not many students were there yet. I'm never that early but not late either. Nearing I could see a man standing in front of the school. Before I could reached closer, I understand who that man was. Jungkook! Screaming his name in mind made me wonder why I acted like that. I know I hadn't see him in days but that does not explain the excitement. Or it does?

From the moment he saw me coming he did not take his eye off me. Like I was the only thing he could see. The thought of that made me blush. What is he doing to me? I will probably never understand how he has that effect on me. But to be honest I continued to looked at him too. He is such a sight to look at. With that black outfit, the chain on his neck, the short sleeve showing off his tattooed arm I didn't know he has. Wow so hot and handsome. I want to run me finger over his tattoos. To know what their definitions are. I always had a thing for these beautiful drawings. Tattoos are art!

"Goodmornig angel!" there we go with that nickname again. I give up that he is never going to stop calling me that. And that bunny smile on his lips. Ah! You are killing Jungkook.

"Goodmornig. Are you feeling any better?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jimin told me yesterday that you were sick all those days and that is why you didn't show up in school."

"Oh, sick. Yeah yeah, I was sick. But I am better now. Especial now that I finally got to see you."

"My mum said that you are a sweet talker. I agree with her. But don't you think for a second with all these pretty words of yours you could have your way with me. You have to try harder. I still do not trust you enough. I still think you are weird."

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