Part 13

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Well, I do not think anything could go better. Well done Jungkook! Well done! Instead bringing your mate closer to you, you puss her away. Huh...what I' m going to do now?

Didn't realize how the time pass. I stood outside her house for minutes, no wait for hours...I have no idea. The night had fallen and I was finally walking back to the hotel. I'm sure Jimin would be way to restless by now.

"Kook? Are you okay? Is Y/N alright?"

"She is. I hope she is. I made a mistake Jimin. A big mistake. Because of my impatient ass I rushed things. Not even day has passed, I told her almost everything. Rouges came after us and she could have been killed if I wasn't there, she is hurt and right now I look like a lunatic in her eyes. She must hates me."

"No, no Kook do not say that. I'm sure ones she clears her head she will see...she will..."

"See. You can even pursued yourself about that. How can I believe that a miracle can happen?" me and my wolf whimpered at the thought.

"It will happen. I'm sure of it. Life owes you. It deprived you of your match for so many years. It can't keep her away from you any longer."

"I really hope you are right. Because honestly I do not how much more I can take this loneliness. Especially now that I have finally met her. " Please don't keep her away from me anymore. All I ever wanted was to have my mate near me. To hold her, cherish her and keep her as much safe as possible. 

"...Kook? Kook?" I don't know for how long Jimin has been calling me. I was lost in my thoughts.  Ones again.


"What will you do now? Do you perhaps have a plan?"

"I told her that I'll give two days. Two day without me disturbing her, I won't even go to school and then I will try and talk to her again."

"Are you really sure that this is the best solution. What if this way to much time and she decides to run away. You might never find her again?

"You really know how to lift up my mood, don't you?" I chuckled but I was so nervous that Jimin's words might come real. 

"I'm just trying to cover every option. I can't stand to watch you crumble again. We are so close, you are a step away from happiness and I'll make sure to do everything in my power to succeed that. I'll give you your happiness Kook.

"You and my brothers are the only ones who keeping me sane in this madness all these years. I know you guys will always be by side, even if I'm the alpha of the pack and it's my job to look after you. Without you I would have died long ago." I brought Jimin in the tightest hug. He is warm and I feel safe with him. I can hear him exhale a deep breath, relaxing both of us but I'm sure that I needed this more than him. 

"I love you Kook."

"I love you too Chim." We stayed like that for a bit longer taking comfort from each other. Regaining me strength and hopes, after I nice and long shower it is time for bed. Do you wanna bet on me? Will I sleep tonight or not? Careful on your bet.


Well look at that sky, matching my mood today, cloudy and rainy. 

Waking up, I felt like the room was suffocating me, so Jimin and I decided to go out in the nearby forest for a morning run. Our wolfs needed it too. It was almost like back home. Although we had more freedom there and so much more space to run but here was good too. Stretching our legs, playing with each other, three hours passed without us noticing it. Yeah, I do not think I could ever live to a human city. Way too many things to be conscious of. Our pack land is definitely the very best. Y/n is going to love it there. I'll show her the bright side of living up the mounts. Ones I get the chance to talk to her again of course. Huh, how am I suppose to wait two days. Two freaking days without seeing me mate...HELL! 

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