Part 5

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After a few hours on the car we eventually got in the city. I was relieved that we were there. We when to the hotel that Jimin had booked for us to drop our stuff.

"It is not like our home, but it is decent." His said looking around our room. Since we didn't want to attract attention to us we had decided to book an not very expensive hotel. Either way we weren't here for vacation.

"It is perfectly fine. Are you ready to go out to explore?" I left my suitcase down and turn to look at him.

"You can't wait, can you?" I knew to what he was referring to, and actually no, I couldn't.

"You know me so damn well. Come on let's go" I grabbed his hand heading out of the hotel.

We spend the day going up and down in town. Walking, riding with our car, we even took the bus. It's was fun. We visited almost every shop, a few cafes and restaurants, but still we- I didn't found what I was looking for.

It was already night when Jimin claimed that it was better to go back to our hotel and continue searching tomorrow again. I didn't wanted to stop, but I guess he is right. As we were walking, we heard a door open from a little restaurant nearby. At first I didn't paid much attention to it, but suddenly a sweet smell filled my nostrils. It was so delicate and strong. It was like vanilla and lavender together. My favourite! I halt on my feet and take a look at the person who had just came out. Oh, my God. That person it was not just a person, it's was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I couldn't see her face clearly, but the way her long curled hair waved in the wind, the way she walk while holding her coat close to her due to the cold. She looked so fragile and so amazingly powerful at the same time. She had the power to destroy me, if she wanted to. I couldn't take me eyes off her. I felt the need to go near her. To see her face, her eyes, her smile. It takes everything I had in me not to do that. If she was who I was thinking she was, I didn't want to scare her. No, this is the last thing I wanted to do.

Jimin notice that I wasn't following him and stopped to see what was happening. When he saw me looking at that girl he understand that something is wrong.

"Jungkook are you alright? Do you know her? Why are looking her like that?" He was now looking at that girl too.

"J- Jimin...I- I think I found her!" My voice was trembling, I was so happy that I had finally found my mate. My other half. The woman I was waiting all my life. But that didn't erase the fear I had inside me. She was a human. I was sure. I couldn't feel her wolf.
"Hahhh, this is going to be hard..." I muffled still looking at her. I didn't want her to leave my sight.

Jimin looked at me with big eyes. "What did you said?"

I couldn't utter a word. My eyes haven't changed their target either.

"You're telling that this girl over there our Luna."

When I heard that world it was like a wave of electricity passed through my body.
Luna. MY LUNA!

I didn't have the time to start a conversation with him right now. All I wanted is to follow that girl. I didn't like that she was walking alone at night, it's dangerous. I stared walking behind her trying to hide at times not to scare her and just make sure that she will get to her destination safe and sound. That was the only thing I had in my mind at the time. Jimin came rapidly next to me, making sure that his luna was safe too. He is an amazing beta!

After ten minutes I saw her getting inside a house. I suppose is hers. At least she is safe now. We stayed outside for a bit longer and then got back to our hotel. As much as I didn't want to leave her side, I knew we couldn't spend the night there and we definitely needed to discuss what we are going to do.

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