Part 6

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I woke up early again. It has been a habit of mine now. I went to Jimin's bed to wake him up too. He was sleeping so peacefully that I almost felt bad doing that. But I have to go to her. Now that I know she is so close to me, I can't hold back, i have to see her.

"Hyung! Hyung wake up!" I patted his shoulder and said a little bit loud.

"Has anyone ever tell you that it is not healthy to wake up at 6 in the morning. Huh, why did I agree to come with you. Yoongi hyung should had been in my place." And he buried his face under the covers.

"It was your idea, remember?"

"NO! Now let me sleep!"

"Agh, hyung come on, wake up please. We have to leave. Pretty please..."I pulled the blanket and looked at him making my eyes looking like a lost puppy. I know he can't resist those.

"You play very dirty Alpha. Alright, see I am up. What do you want us to do?"

"Put your clothes on. We are going to her house."

"Why I am not surprised.?" He said shaking his head.

[Y/N PV]

Walking up I open the window letting the fresh air run in to my room. So cold! Winter is near! I got ready for the day and went downstairs. The breakfast was served like everyday, but my sister wasn't there.

"Mum, where is Y/S/N?"

"Her boyfriend came to pick her up. He said he wanted them to eat out before school. Here, eat this." That boy is driving me crazy. Such a boyfriend material. Lucky her.

"Mmm, amazingly tasteful as always. Thanks mum!"

"Anything for my baby!"

When I was done I took my bag ready to leave. I said goodbye to my parents and went out of the house. I stared waking to my school, but the moment I stepped out of home I had this feeling again that someone is watching me. I decide to ignore it. Twenty minutes later I was already in school.


"Kook how long are we going to stay here. We are looking creepy observing the house. It looks like we want to rob it." He was right. We have been here for more than an hour, but I wasn't planning of leaving any time soon. Not before I see her.

"If you are tired then you can leave."

"No. I am not leaving you alone. I promised to..."

"You promised to who?" Before I could gain an answer from him, the main door opened and I saw that angel again. And that scent, it drives me crazy. God such a beauty! I can't wait to make her mine!

"Hyung come on. We are going to lose her." And that's where our monitoring started.

She enter a big building. High School. That was written in the sign. Dad has told me before about that. It was like our werewolf school with the difference that we didn't had only theoretically classes, but also fighting classes. I couldn't imagine been all day inside a classroom without some time to relax my muscles. If I was human I would have possibly died from boredom. But since my mate is here, this is where I should be too. At least for now.

"Where do you thing you are going?" Jimin said seeing me entering the building.

"What? She went in there. So I am going too.

"Are you telling me that you are going to enrol in this school?"

I pretended like I was thinking when I already knew the answer. "Yes I am. Are you coming or not?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"You crazy Alpha. Huh, I am coming."

"Chop chop then, move those short legs of yours. We don't have all day. I can't even understand how can you keep up with my walking." I laughed and went inside.

"YAY. You little piece of shit."

"I heard that. Shorty!"

"That's why I said it out loud. And I am not short." I just made him angry. Hihihihi Well what can I say, I really - really enjoy see him like this. Who can blame me.? He is so cute.

Thankfully the principal registered us in the school and it was so amazing that I managed to be in the same class with her, without me even trying. The kids were already inside. In knock the door and the teachers let us come in. As soon as we walked in I heard loud screams from the students, or should I say from the girls. Hm, like I care. I don't want anyone but her.

"Kids be quite. Today we have two new students. Please introduce yourselfs." She looked kind.

"Hello my name is Park Jimin. Please take care of me." My beta said giving a smile and a wink to the girls, I can see every girl drool over him. Tsk, such a flirty. I don't think Rose is going to be very fond of it.

"Hi my name is Jeon Jungkook. I hope we can be friends." Well that's not my plan but I had to look like I am in the mood to be part of this Human School. As I was introducing my self I take a look between the students, my eyes had finally lay on her.

"MATE!" His voice has loud and crystal clear. My wolf was more than happy! So was I!

You wanna know what was the most mind-blowing thing, she was looking back at me. And this is where I die. Those eyes were so captivating, Chocolate brown with almost a piece of orange inside, like the leaves when the fall from the trees at autumn. Mesmerising! I could got lost in them in less than a second. This is how I wanted my life to be from on. Me seating close to that angel looking deep in her eyes.

Once we both lock our eyes together, I saw her getting a little bit nervous. Damn, she must had seen my pupils change colour. It is one of the sign on werewolf's. The time mates found each other their eyes turn on the colour of their wolf, dependent on the rank. Alpha to red, Betas to yellow-gold, Deltas to deep blue like the night sky, Omegas to light blue and Hunters to orange. Since I am an alpha and from a strong and powerful bloodline then my eyes must have turn scarlet red. Jimin must has noticed that and shakes my arm. I lowered my head not to scare her. My wolf scratched my mind. He was howling happy and wagging his tail like a little pup who just got his favourite treat. If he had the slightest doubt, after what happened he was absolutely certain that the beautiful girl over there is our mate!

"Thank you boys. You may seat down now. Go in the empty seats at the back of the class."

We did I as said. I wanted to seat near her but unfortunately for me there was another boy on the seat behind her. Walking pass him I had this strong desire coming from my heart to grab his shirt and pull him away from her. I know, I know I act like an overprotective and overpossesive boyfriend, but I can't stand anyone else this close to her.
She is mine, only MINE!

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