Part 8

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[Y/N PV]

Walking from school I got to know more about the mysterious handsome man.  A 22 year old boy, living with his six best friends and their girls in BIG house somewhere deep in the mountains. That house must like a palace to fit so many people. It indeed caught my attention when we mentioned his age, I wandered why he was still going to school if he already pass 18.? For the time being I decide to shrugged off. I was more curious about...

"You said your friends have girlfriends."

"Kind off. Yes."

"What about you? I- I mean do you have any g- girl you are interested in?" That was smooth. You just met the guy and now you're interested about his personal life. I slapped myself in my mind.

"Emmm, there is one. Yes." I saw how genuinely happy he was thinking about her. Why did I feel so broken inside? It's not like he is mine anyway. He'll never be. How can someone like him ever want someone like me.? I didn't ask anything more about her. I didn't want to know who that girl was. Wait? Is that jealousy?

"We are here. Dad? Mum?" He opened the door for me and entered inside. No one else has ever done anything like that for me before. I really appreciated it!

"Oh, honey you come early today." I heard mum shouting from the kitchen.

"Well yes. Our last class was cancelled." Me and Jungkook went there. I was feeling a little nervous to be honest. It was the first time bringing a boy with me. I usually don't even come here with my friends.

"Hello darl-." She stopped seeing Jungkook.
"Won't you introduce us, dear?"

"Ah, yeah! Mum this is my new friend Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook this is my mum Lee Y/M/N."

"Nice to meet you Jungkook. This is the first time that she brings a friend here." Agh, mum!

"The pleasure is all mine miss Lee. I am honoured to be the first one. I hope I deserve it." His smile is so enchanting!

"I am sure you do! I was ready to make some Jjajangmyeon. Are you guys might interesting to help."

"One of my favourites! I'll be your sous-chef if you want to have me."

"Oh, you now how to cook?" Wait, is this guy also a cooking master?

"My friends use to say that I can do some...magic in the kitchen!"

Damn, handsome and with skills. Well he is the first lottery number. His girl will be extremely lucky.

"Then come on. Take an apron from there and join me."

What just happened.? Did my mum and Jungkook become best friend in less than 5 minutes. Why do I feel like they don't care if I am there? Am I ghost? But look at them. They're doing great with each other. My mum seems to like him. That is good. What the hell are you thinking again Y/N?
I spend the next hour observing the two of them "drawing" on the counter. I guess cooking is like art for both of them.

"Come on Y/N it is ready. Let's eat!" Whoa, she noticed I am still here. Thanks mum!

For some reason I can't yet figure out there was no awkwardness between the three of us. Especially Jungkook and me. It was like we knew each other for years. He is such a nice guy. Sweet, humble, smart, definitely charming, he looked sincere and trustworthy. And so soft. Especially his hair. Why did I wanted to touch them.? Thankfully I kept my hand to myself. I didn't want him to think I am weird.

"Well enough of me wasting your time. I don't think you come here Jungkook to spend your day with the elders."

"I had quite a time with you miss Lee! And people never get old. They just getting wiser." Mum will for sure adore him now.

"Sweet talker! I real like you Jungkook. Feel free to come back whenever you want. You will always be welcome! I leave you two now."

"Thank you miss Lee!" Mum smiled at as us and left. "I liked your mum. She reminds me of mine." I remember what he said before on our walk. His parents were on vacation for a long time now. He must be missing them

"I assure you she likes you too! She always wanted a son." Whaaat did I just said? Please God let me die. Take me now. Please! Please! I beg you! Don't you want me with you. I promise I'll behave.


As she said that i saw her became unease, but I wanted to see what happens if I...

"She will be an amazing mother-in-law!" I quickly said and I anticipated for her reaction. She blushed!

"Kook! Kook! Did you see that. She is blushing!!! You made her blush! She is so freaking cute!" Here we go again!

"Yes. Yes I did. Now be quite." She is indeed cute. I want to squeeze those pink cheeks so bad.

"Kook let me claim her. Please! I want her to be mine! I want her to have our pups!" What did that animal said?

"First she is not yours. SHE IS MINE! And second NO. You will scare the shit out of her."

"I don't want to break that little sensitive heart of yours but she is mine too. In fact she belongs to both of us." Well he was right about that.

"Fine. But don't you dare do anything yet. I have to explain o- our situation first."

"Then do it fast. I don't know for how much long I can hold back. She is all we ever wanted. Plus don't forget that our heat is close." Fuck I totally forgot about that.

"Okey. Now be a good boy and shut up."

"Em, Y/N do you mind to go on a walk with me in the forest?"

"Why? Do you want to kill me, so you want us to go there, where no one can see you?" I got frozen on my place. I couldn't think or talk. She thought of me like that. Like I could ever do anything bad to her. I know we literally just met today but I can't even imagine seeing her be hurt because of me without breaking my heart into little pieces. In fact, I can't imagine her being hurt without me losing my mind. I felt so sorrowful that I lowered my head and looked at my legs. I didn't want her be afraid of me.

"Hey, hey. I am joking. I- I am sorry. I never think before I speak, as you have probably already noticed. My tongue is faster than my mind. P- Please don't be sad. Look at me, please!" She placed her one hand on my shoulder and the other under my chin to lift my head up. When I looked into her eyes, I could see small tears forming. No, no please don't cry. I immediately smiled to her taking her small, soft hands in mine, making us standing up from the chair. The sparkles were there again. 

"It's alright! See, I am not sad." And again I smile to her trying to pick up her mood.

"A- are you not mad at me?" She asked wiping the fallen tears from her eyes.

"I can never be mad at you angel!" She must liked what I call her, cause she became all shy and red again. How many times can someone die on the same day?
"So...will you come with me? Do you trust me?" She immediately nod her heard, showing me that she didn't even need time to think her answer. It was good to know that she trusted me. I almost got a heart attack back there.

"Let's go then."  I grab her hand and walked out of the restaurant.

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