Part 12

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I'm the worst werewolf in the history...I was supposed to be one of the strongest True bloods Alphas, taking care of his pack along with his mate. But look at me now. My Luna doesn't even want me to look at her. To touch her. I destroyed everything. I was too careless thinking everything would have turned out my way on the very first day I met her. How could that be possible? So so so foolish of me. Now I have to accept the reality, the consequences...This walk back to her home are the last moments I have with her. She is going to push me away again, I feel it.

Even if she says that she doesn't want me to touch her, her grip on my arms is strong. Her skin is warm and I can feel her body leaning against mine for her to be able to walk easier. My poor angel. She must be in so much pain. I can see the way her face is twisting every time she tries to step in her left foot. So I decided to go against her words and lift her up. One hand under her knees and one on her lower back, and she is where she should always be. In my embrace, safe and sound. Well not exactly.

"What do you think you are doing?" she is so cute went she is angry.

"You have obviously sprained your ankle and I don't want it to get worse. So I'll take you like this back home!" I said a bit angry too. She didn't say a word and seemed to relax in my hold a bit. Why can't we stay like this??

"Because we are idiots!" well my wolf is right on this. But for now I will do what she wants. I'll drop her home, where I know she will be safe, and then leave.  "What are you thinking about you moron? She is our mate! You have to win her back! We waited all our life to find her and you will run away like a coward? So easily?" JK said

"How can I win her back, when I never had her to begin with?"

"And what then? Are you going to leave? Are you going to return back home and continue live your already lonely and miserable life until you die from the emptiness in your heart? Are you going to leave OUR mate alone? You think you will be able to sleep at night just in the thought that she might be in the arms of another man?"

"WILL YOU FUCKING STOP!" my grip on her got stronger due to his words. I couldn't think straight after hearing that she might be with another guy. No, she belongs to me!

"No I won't! I won't until you realise that you are about to do the biggest mistake of your life." he is right. I can't and I don't WANT to leave my mate alone. Please Moon Goddess help me. I need you to.


"I said do not call me that. And no more talking until we reach home."

"Y/N please. I need to talk to you. You are important to me!" as I said that I brought her closer to my heart. I bet she can hear her beating like crazy.

"How can I be important when you already have another woman you like, huh?" she didn't even looked at me while saying that. "How can I be important to you when we just met? You don't even know if I'm a good person. I could be a criminal for all you know."

"You...a criminal..? Yeah, right! I would like to see that."

"Are you mocking me? I can easily destroy that b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l of yours. I have a black belt in taekwondo if you wanna know!"

"Do you now?" I smirked knowing that there was no way this could be true. Look at her, looking all small and cute like a little baby cub, how can she possible know anything about taekwondo. Not even in million years. "Okay, I'll all that about hitting and bruising me. Can you please repeat what you send in the begging. What do you mean I have another woman in my life?"

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