Pretty Brown Eyes

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"My heart belongs to you now, Jung Wheein."

Wheein couldn't count how many times her heart caused her pain. She couldn't remember how many times her ribcage felt like it's closing in on her, how her heart clenched against her chest. Her heart betrayed her countless times, and yet she still manages to count on it.

And now, hearing Byul say that. Wheein couldn't be more grateful that she trusted her heart. Because even though her heart is still clenching and her ribcage is still closing in, she feels happiness instead of pain.

"I love you." Wheein says out of breath, but Moonbyul was paying enough attention to her to hear it. "My heart has always been yours, Byul." Wheein utters in a much fuller voice, making sure she makes eye contact with Byul. "Maybe it's been yours since the very second I laid my eyes on you in that park."

And it is true.

For what felt like the longest time, Wheein tries to figure out if the heart beating in her chest was hers, but right now, her heart felt like hers. And moreover, she knows that her heart has always belonged to Moonbyul.

She had probably always known anyway...that Byul was bound to break her heart the moment she flashed her wedding ring on her. So, maybe Byul broke her heart a few times before, but Wheein can't seem to find it in herself to care anymore. Because as she looks at Moonbyul at that moment, she realized that it was only hers to break anyway.

No one between them dared to move; too scared to ruin the moment if they move an inch. But they smile softly at each other, both relieved that they were finally on the same page.

Wheein could feel her heart fluttering. She is happy and tearful, as she raised her thumb makes contact with her lower lip, brushing it lightly- bashfully. Second-guessing whether she's the one who should close the gap between them, or if she should wait for Byul to come closer.

She looks down for a second as she contemplates, but when she looks up, Byul is already inches away from her. The taller woman threads a hand on Wheein's hair and slowly pushes it behind her ear, her eyes not leaving Wheein's brown orbs. Byul softly smiles when she hears Wheein gasp quietly.

They say the eyes are the window to a person's soul, and as Wheein looked at Byul's chocolate brown eyes; she sees love, kindness, peace, happiness, and healing.

Wheein moistens her lips unconsciously. And with a new sense of confidence, she takes matters into her own hands. She places both her hands on Byul's shoulders, tiptoeing to level with Byul's face, kissing her passionately as the rest of the world seems to drift away.


"I would've kissed you if you asked me to." Moonbyul remarks with a sheepish smile after they separate from the kiss.

Wheein smiled bashfully, looking away then back to Moonbyul, her cheeks blushing deeply. "I wanted to kiss you. And besides, you could still..." she trailed off, her glance flickering between the woman in front of her and the ground, as she trails her hand on her hair as she pushes it at the back of her ear.

As Wheein averted her eyes, Moonbyul let out a soft chuckle, noticing how shy Wheein became after brazenly kissing her.

She leans down to catch the smaller girl's face, cupping them with her hands, pulling her once again in a tender kiss. Their lips moving carefully and slowly as Moonbyul's hands trail down Wheein's arms until both their hands intertwine. Both of them pulling away hesitantly.

"So..."Wheein trailed off.

"So..." Byul repeated.

Wheein's heart could feel her heart beating against her chest, loudly, as if asking for more. "That was..." she wanted to say something -anything. But right at that moment, her heart was louder than her thoughts.

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