Hospital Visit

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"Wheein, I'm so sorry." Byul whispered against Wheein's ears as she holds her hand.

Wheein lies unconcious on her hospital bed as Byul studies her, as she thought back to the events of yesterday that lead them here. It hurts hurt knowing that she's the reason why they're both here right now. All the pain that she caused the other girl weighs heavy on her chest.

Wheein's face looked so child-like; filled with innocence as her chest rise and fall steadily. Byul thinks she could spend her day just looking at Wheein peacefully sleeping, but she'd rather hear her voice and see her smile. Byul wants her to wake up. She wants to talk to her.

"I think you should go home." Byul hears Hyejin say. Byul almost forgot that they weren't alone. "The doctor said she'll be fine. She'll wake up soon."

The more reason Byul should stay here, right? She wants Wheein to see her when she wakes up. She's the reason Wheein is in the hospital right now and she wanted to make up for it by staying by her side. "I think I'll stay." Byul states. Maybe its the trauma of Yongsun's accident. The last time she visited the hospital she lost someone she loved the most. She wanted to be sure that she'll see Wheein again.

"That wasn't a request, Byul." Hyejin's tone was sharp, and her eyes were telling.

"Hyejin..." Byul trailed off. She knows she messed up, and she didn't expect Hyejin to be on her side because of how badly she hurt her friend, but she at least hoped Hyejin would give her a chance to explain herself.

"Save it." Hyejin replied, crossing her arms. "Wheein's mom and grandma will be here any minute. Maybe its for the best if they don't see you here."

"I want to talk to them too: to apologize." Byul declares.

Hyejin shakes her head. "You stressed Wheein up to this point. I don't think they'll appreciate your apology."

Byul sighs. If apologizing won't help her case then what would? She wonders.

"Wheein's family has been through a lot, okay? I don't think they'd be thrilled to see you after you put Wheein through this again. So if you're really sorry then just leave for now." Hyejin's tone was softer this time.

Again? Byul wonders what Hyejin meant by it. Did she cause Wheein a cardiac arrest before? Or was it before she even met Wheein?

Byul recalls how Hyejin readily pulled out a portable equipment to revive Wheein's heartbeat after performing a CPR on her. Its like she's so skilled because of experience.

"Is she going to be okay?" Byul asks.

"I'll make sure she's going to be." Hyejin promises.

Byul figures Hyejin won't be willing to answer all of her questions right now, so she decided to comply to Hyejin's advise that she should leave. "I'll come back later then."

It looked like Hyejin was about to protest but Byul didn't let her. "That isn't a request either."

Wheein slowly opened her eyes to give her time to adjust from the light protruding on her. She's disappointed to see that she's in a very familiar room that isn't her home, and to add on that she's also wearing an oxygen mask.

But nothing disheartened her than not seeing a certain person on her bedside. After last night, she expected that Byul would at lest be there.

"Wheein." she hears her mother say, her face was tear-stricken. Was it that bad that her mother have to cry? She really hopes not, because if it was, then she'd have to see her mother cry repeatedly again; and she hates the sight so much.

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