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Wheein's POV:

"Miss Byul hasn't visited the bar for a week." Hyejin stated. "Did you two had a fight I didn't know about?" She asks, resting her hands on her hip.

"No." I said, trying not to make a big deal about it. "And its not like you wouldn't know if we were to have an argument. You're always lurking like a spy." I remark.

"You have a point there." Hyejin chuckles, proud of herself. "I'm just looking out for you." She reasons. "She seems like a nice person, but we still have to make sure she's worthy of your time. You deserve someone who could take care of your heart well."

I cooed at her sincere concern. "I'll guard my heart well, Hyejin-ah." I assured her.

"Did she not text you?" Hyejin asks.

Byul has been going to the bar for 2 consecutive weeks. We even exchanged numbers already, but I haven't received a single text from her.

"No." I replied as casual as possible, I didn't want her to think that I'm disappointed. Because I'm not, obviously.

"Do you think it has something to do with her divorce?" Hyejin asks.

"She didn't say anything about divorce. I honestly don't know." I replied, getting irritated by the minute, not with Hyejin though, but with myself.

"I hope she's not lying about not being married anymore. I don't want to break her pretty face." Hyejin comments.

I should really stop being invested with people I barely know. I shouldn't be as disappointed as how I feel because she doesn't owe me any explanation but I can't help it.

"Hyejin-ah." I appreciate her protectiveness, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Maybe I was just giving meaning to every single thing. "We're just friends. It really shouldn't matter what's up with her and her wife."

"She wouldn't bother telling you that she doesn't have a wife anymore if she's not interested in you." Hyejin points out. "Besides, no one would go to a bar everyday just to drink one bottle of beer and then reject every person who comes onto her just to spend all her time talking to the bartender."

"Well, she never texted me so..." I trailed off.

"You never texted her too." Hyejin replies. "Communication is a two way street, Wheein." She comments.

"I just don't want to impose." I replied. It clearly looked like whatever is going on with her and her ex-wife or whatever- its not done yet. Like Byul herself isn't sure with the whole situation.

"You're right. Have a safe distance, so if she ever tries anything...we're sure your heart can take it." Hyejin replies.


Moonbyul's POV:

Usually before this day comes, my mood is so bright that the sun seems dim compared to my mood.

Seulgi would help me with the preparations for my surprise for Yongsun a week before.

Today is our anniversary.

But instead of being excited about it, I've been dreading for it to come. This whole week I've been preparing myself for the disappointment that is today.

I should be waking up with Yongsun's kisses telling me that she prepared our breakfast, but instead I woke up with an empty bed and a heavy heart.

Seulgi is nice enough to accompany me at the flower shop to pick out the freshest lilies. Its her favorite.

Seulgi is my partner in crime when it comes to surprising Yong. Even though she's annoying as hell sometimes, she has always been so supportive, that's why I'm very thankful.

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