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Moonbyul's POV:

"Seulgi, why would you do that?" I asked in frustration after Hyejin texted me asking if I sent Wheein a bouquet of flowers, and I found out that it was Seulgi's doing. "You know I wouldn't do such a thing."

"That's exactly why I did it." Seulgi answered non-chalantly. "She deserved an apology, and I did that to force you to give her one." she said knowingly; I know she thinks I won't apologize and in her defense, she's right.

But the boquet might give Wheein the wrong impression; the exact impression that I'm avoiding to give her.

"But you shouldn't have meddled like that." I protested.

"Look, I didn't put your name on it, so it's up to you if you'd claim those flowers or you'll let her hopes down." Seulgi remarked.

"Seulgi, you're not funny." I can't believe she would corner me like this.

She looked directly at me silently telling me that she's not trying to be funny.

"Byul, wake up! It's not a love confession; all you need to do is go to her and say sorry. It's not that hard." she appealed.

I sighed in resignation.

Maybe she's right; it shouldn't be a big deal.


Wheein couldn't believe her eyes, when she saw Byul with a bouquet that looked exactly like the one she received the day before.

She didn't want to get her hopes up but she thought to herself that maybe this time she's allowed to.

"What's with all the bouquets?" Wheein remarks, indirectly asking if the first one was from Byul too.

Byul didn't answer but extends the flowers to Wheein, which the girl thankfully accepted. "I just wanted to ask if you're free tomorrow...for dinner."

"What for?" Wheein asked in confusion; just the other day Byul wanted her to leave her alone. "I thought you don't want me to bother you anymore?" she reiterated, clearly remembering their conversation from the other night.

"That's exactly what I want us to talk about." Byul explained.

"Why can't we talk about it here?" Wheein asks.

"Because if looks could kill, I just might be dead right now." Byul remarked, subtly tilting her head towards Hyejin. "And I really don't want to be the first one to prove that theory." Byul said, attempting at a joke, it baffled her how a simple smile from Wheein could make her heart feel so much lighter.

"I don't mind having dinner with you." Wheein stated. "But I have work tomorrow night." Wheein replied, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

"Don't owners have day-offs?" Byul asked hopefully.

Byul managed to make Wheein smile for the second time that night. The shorter girl is a bit surprised with Byul's persistence. "I'll ask Hyejin if she could cover for me."

"No." Byul disagreed, making Wheein look at her in confusion. "If you want, I can wait for you until later." Byul suggested. "If that's okay with you, of course." She didn't want to be too much of a bother.

"Are you sure?" Wheein asked, "We could have lunch tomorrow, if you want." Wheein bargained, knowing that they will close very late.

"I actually have an appointment for lunch tomorrow. But you must be too tired later, so I guess we can just talk some other time." Byul suggested.

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