The Donor

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Byul didn't know what to feel.

It was the first time after a long time that she's seen someone that resembled Yongsun so much.

After Yongsun's departure, her family went to the US to help with their grieving process. It was hard for them to look anywhere in their hometown and not be reminded of Yongsun.

"Yonghee." Byul couldn't hide her surprise.

Yonghee, Yongsun's older sister takes a step forward to hug her sister-in-law. "Byul. It's been a long time. I've missed you." she states in a friendly manner.

"I know." Byul says despite her tone. She can't believe Yonghee is actually in front of her. Somehow she still feels starstruck everytime she sees her. It wasn't a secret that she had a crush on Yongsun's older sister for a while. But what she's really curious about is why Yonghee is in Korea. She wanted to know if she'd be staying for good. "What brought you here? Are you here for good, is it for business? -are you just visiting?"

"I just have someone I've been meaning to meet." Yonghee replies, her smile falters for just a second but Moonbyul was quick enough to notice.

"I see." Byul answers, she wanted to ask more but she didn't want to pry.

"Anyway, how are you? How have you been?" Yonghee might have sounded casual but her eyes showed her concern with how Moondbyul's been coping. The younger girl barely answers her texts or calls when she checks up on her, so she depends on Seulgi to give her updates about her sister-in-law.

Moonbyul would've liked it if Yongsun's family stayed in Korea after Yongsun's departure. Maybe then Byul wouldn't have felt so alone. Maybe then she wouldn't feel aliented for feeling so sentimental about everything. Maybe the grieving process wouldn't be as hard as it was, if only she'd have someone who loved Yongsun as close as she did.

But that's all in the past now.

She's past the grieving stage.

...Wow...Byul didn't think she'd ever be able to say that, even if its only in her mind.

She's past the grieving stage. She's finally moving on with her life.

Moonbyul didn't know why she hesitates answering that she's fine. She hasn't been fine until recently. And she wasn't sure how Yonghee would react if she tells Yonghee the reason behind her happiness.

"I'm coping..." Byul settles. "I'm doing better than before." she answers timidly.

Yonghee reaches for her hand. "That's good to hear, Byul." she states with a genuine smile.

"Do you want to grab some coffee? Do you have time?" Byul asks with a hopeful smile, breaking Yonghee's gaze.

For a moment, Yonghee wanted to say yes, but she shakes her head. "I can't. I have a meeting that I can't miss today..." she says regretfully.

Byul couldn't place her finger on it, but its as if Yonghee wanted to say more. If she didn't know any better she even thought Yonghee wanted her to come along.

"Maybe next time?" Yonghee concluded.

"That would be great." Byul replied, and with that Yonghee kissed her cheek as she bids her goodbye.


Yonghee didn't know what to feel.

One moment her and Byul were at the cemetery having a small talk, and now she's at some restaurant where Yonghee's supposed to meet the recepient of her sister's heart; and Byul is at the other end of the table sitting next to the said person.

That couldn't be right.

That's just too much of a coincidence for it to be real. Surely, fate wouldn't be so twisted to play on them like that. But on the other hand...would it be so bad? If this person that Byul is dating right now is the same person that has Yongsun's beating heart? Maybe Moonbyul is just destined to be her sister's heart-taker if there's even such a thing. Or maybe the heart remembers who its supposed to love...

Yonghee don't know what to feel much less what to think. Her mind's all over the place processing such a revelation.

Maybe the reason why it took her too long to go back to Korea and meet up with Yongsun's recepient is to give Byul and Wheein time to meet for Yongsun's heart to find its way back to its rightful owner. She remember how Yongsun used to say that Byul owns her heart, Yonghee guesses she literally mean it.


Wheein didn't know what to feel.

Right after the transplant, Wheein intended to meet with her donor's family to have the opportunity to express her gratitude. She requested a transplant coordinator for a meet up but it took them up until now to respond.

Now she's not so sure if she did the right thing agreeing for this meet up. She was doing so well. She was starting to have a life of her own. A life that she wanted to live for herself, but it felt as if her past wasn't willing to let her go yet. She thought she would have some type of closure but right now she feels like she's thrown off her axis.

"You must be Jung Wheein." The woman stands up reaching out her hand for Wheein to shake. But just when Wheein reaches her hand the woman froze, Wheein noted how she wasn't looking at Wheein's direction but Byul's.

"Yonghee?" Byul asked as if she'd seen a ghost. Her first instinct was to think that it must be a coincidence, and Wheein just got the wrong table -eventhough Yonghee clearly just stated Wheein's name. They were supposed to meet the family of Wheein's heart donor, not Yongsun's sister.

"Byul? Are you with her?" Yonghee asked with the same expressions as Byul's; as if the color in her face was draining.




Okaaaaaay. You guys probably saw that coming right? Hahahaha. Anyway...

I know its short and I haven't updated in a while but I promise I'll follow this up with another chapter. I'm just warming up you guys.

Also, as always, I'm very thankful for you guys who continues to read my work. I appreciate you guys so much.

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