Cemetery Date

785 49 6

Wheein didn't know what to feel...

She played all these scenarios in her head on their way here but not this; she didn't expect to face a...a cemetery.

It doesn't take a genius to know why they were there, in the middle of the night.

Wheein was waiting for Byul to lead her to her wife's grave but she just leaned on the bumper of her car.

"We're not going in?" Wheein inquires.

"Can we just..." she didn't know how to say she wasn't ready to bring another woman in front of Yong's grave. "...stay here for now?" Byul suggests.

And Wheein nods her head, because how could she possibly say no?

It's the softest voice she has ever heard.

She then walks beside Byul.

"I'm sorry." Wheein was inclined to say. She didn't know what for, exactly, all she knew was that she felt sorry.

She's sorry for Byul, of course. Wheein could clearly see and feel how much she still loves her wife...and maybe that's why Wheein also feels sorry for herself.

It's painfully obvious how she can never compete with the memory of Byul's wife- not that she's compelled to do so, but still. Something about it made her heart feel heavy, and not in a jealous kind of way, but more like, she have her own issues and she doesn't know if she's ready to take Byul's baggage.

"I am too." Byul said after a while, hanging her head low. Her expression alone, spoke volumes of how much she meant it.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Wheein asked; not that Byul has an obligation to tell her that, but she would've understood her better. She wouldn't have felt petty for being so heartbroken that Byul bought her wife some flowers. But she knew better to not make it about her. She knows too well that it wasn't really about her.

"I couldn't." Byul replied, "It was just something that I couldn't put into words." she explained, her voice wavering at the end.

Wheein nods in understanding.

She wanted to just pull Byul into a warm hug, but something tells her that it would only make Byul feel awkward, so she restrains herself.

"You know...I never really asked you what her name is." Wheein states, testing if Byul was willing to tell her her name.

"Yongsun" Byul utters, and Wheein couldn't help but feel jealous of how the name felt so safe in Byul's mouth, and how saying her name easily made Byul smile. She couldn't help but wonder if she can ever have that much of an effect to Byul someday.

But she shrugs the feeling off, because tonight isn't about her.

"Moon Yongsun." Wheein recites, guessing that they share the same family name. "Her full name resembles an eclipse." Wheein notes, her mind couldn't help but put Moon and her first name together to see if it fits. She smiles, thinking that it has a nice ring to it.

"Yeah." Byul smiles, reminiscing how Yong would always tell her how she wanted to have Byul's family name so they'd each have first and last name be connected with the sky. "We both have a thing with the sky." she remarks.

An awkward silence passed.

Wheein clears her throat when she couldn't handle the silence anymore; sensing that Byul wouldn't take the initiative to speak any time sooner.

"Thank you." Wheein started.

"For what?" Byul asks with confusion evident in her face. She has not been exactly good to her. Byul acknowledges how badly she handled the situation, yet this girl in front of her is thanking her ever so sincerely.

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