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Byul's POV:

This is not how I expected Wheein to react.

I'm on one knee, holding her hand and holding a ring in the other, but she doesn't look happy at all.

"Don't do this." she sighs as if it's the worst thing I could do right now.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Sure, this situation that we're in isn't ideal, but I thought she'd be a little bit happier at the very least.

"Don't you want to do this with me?" I asked, the crack in my voice failed me to hide the hurt that I was feeling.

She sighed again, but this time heavier. "Of course, I do."

"But?" I asked, knowing that her statement would entail such.

"But with everything that has happened today, I don't think it's the right time to do this." Wheein replied. And I know that she's right, and I know that we both needed time to process everything that we just found out but I got scared. I can't lose her. I can't lose her too.

Maybe I needed some kind of assurance that we'll make it through together.

Maybe this is selfish of me to even ask her right after she asked for time and space, but I need her. I think I'll go crazy if I'd ever lose her again, and I feel like I'm losing her right now.

"Don't you love me?" I desperately asked, trying my best to get a grip on the ring in my shaking hand.

"Of course I do." she answered immediately. "I do." she repeats herself.

"Then what's so wrong with me asking you to marry me?" I asked because it's not the worst that could happen but she's acting as if it is.

"Because you're acting as if this is the only thing that could save us. Because you're doing this for all the wrong reasons." she replied, and she was looking at me as if I'm supposed to understand what she was trying to say, but I searched her eyes for answers.

"I had this in my pocket for a while now, Wheein." referring to the ring that I was holding. "I've been thinking about this for quite some time. Don't think that I'm only doing this for an easy way out of the situation." I reasoned.

She shakes her head, disagreeing with me. "You're right. Maybe you've thought about it before, but that doesn't matter anymore. What matters to me right now, is that you're asking me that right now. Why? I just asked you for space because everything is overwhelming for me and yet you go down on one knee and make things even harder for me. For us."

"How does that even make things harder for us?" I don't know if her rejection got the best of me, but I couldn't seem to understand what make my proposal so bad for us.

"Byul," Wheein said sternly, "I just found out that my dad was one of the reasons that Yongsun's not here anymore-"

"- one of the reasons?" I couldn't help but interrupt her.

She sighed in dismay. "See?" she said as if I just proved her point to her. "You can't even let me finish..." she trailed off, "Why? Because you hate my dad so much because you think he's the only one to blame for your loss."

"Wheein, it doesn't really matter what I think." I paused realizing that we'd talked about this just moments ago, "Are we really going through this again? All evidence points to him. He's the reason Yongsun's not here and that's the cold hard fact."

"Okay!" she burst out. But I know everything is anything but okay. "If you hate him so much then why would you even ask his daughter to marry you?" she asked rhetorically, crossing her arms against her chest.

A Reason To Live | Wheebyul | MoonsunWhere stories live. Discover now