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Wheein has been staring at her bandaged hand for an hour now.

The bloodstain on her hand somehow feels like the blood came from her heart.

It's a reminder of why she shouldn't have been so trusting.

"You're thinking about her again." Hyejin stated knowingly.

Wheein just sighed, she knows Hyejin would tell her she shouldn't.

"She's not worth your time." Hyejin states, just as Wheein expected.

"Was I too assuming?" Wheein asks no one in particular.

Byulyi never said she liked her, she's been going on their bar regularly but now that she thinks about it, she questions if it really meant anything.

"It doesn't matter, Wheein." Hyejin declares. She hates how broken Wheein looked last night. She would've run after Byul if it weren't for Wheein's bleeding hand. "She doesn't seem like someone who could take care of your heart." Hyejin says in a protective manner.

"Hyejin-ah." Wheein cooes. "I'm not as fragile as you think; I don't need a caretaker." she reassures her friend, Hyejin has always been too concerned for her. Of course she appreciates it, and understands where her friend is coming from, but at times...at times she gets tired of being treated like she's a person made out of glass.

"I'm not saying that you are. I'm just saying you should choose someone who doesn't give you heartaches." Hyejin clarifies. She knows she's been teasing Wheein about Byul for weeks, but last night she saw how much effect the woman hold on her best friend and Hyejin can't help but be concerned about Wheein.

It wasn't even a year yet since she almost lost her best friend. She's just making sure that whoever Wheein decides to involve herself with, isn't going to complicate Wheein's condition.


"Where have you been last night?" Seulgi asked, curious as to why her best friend didn't come home until this morning.

"I met a girl." Moonbyul replied.

Seulgi looked at her expectantly. "A girl other than Wheein?"

Byul rolled her eyes at the absurdity of her friend's question, "Yes, Seulgi. I met a girl who is not Wheein."

"And you slept with her?" Seulgi asks hesitantly,thinking its unlikely for Byul to do so but not being able to think of any other explanation why her friend didn't come home last night.

If Byul was drinking she would've spit it out already; good thing she wasn't. "What do you take me for?" She's offended, thinking that Seulgi would accuse her of cheating, only to realize that she no longer has a wife to betray.

Seulgi frowns, knowing full well what was going on Moonbyul's mind. "Then what did you do?" she asks instead, knowing her words are not enough to comfort Byul.

"I brought her home. She was clearly very drunk." Byul replied.

"Then you came to Wheein's bar?" Seulgi pries, taking the girl home couldn't possibly be that long.

Moonbyul shakes her head. "That's where I met the woman, and when we reached her house she threw up at my shirt and passed out." she then proceeded to tell Seulgi how she carried the girl to her bed and how she 'borrowed' a shirt from the woman so she could wash her shirt.

Seulgi just listened intenly, not questioning why Byul would feel the need to wash her shirt then and there, knowing that the shirt was given to her by Yongsun.

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