Right Things To Say

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Byul's POV:

I came early to Wheein's hospital room with a new set of flowers and fruits in hand.

When I arrived, Hyejin is sitting on the chair beside Wheein's bed where Wheein sleeps peacefully.

I placed the things I got for Wheein on her bedside, just before Hyejin told me that she'd go out to buy us breakfast. Hyejin told me a short story about how Wheein loathes hospital food, before leaving. And I take a mental note to cook food for her the next time I visit.

I sat beside Wheein as I watched her sleep. I noticed the sunlight that slipped through the curtains so I angled myself in a position that blocked the sunlight from her face. I mused at how comforting it is to see how peaceful she looked like.

I found myself slipping my fingers between her hands.

Its been a month since the last time I was able to hold her hand. And I missed it more than I'm willing to admit.

We've known each other for a few months but it felt like years; we've come a long way from being two strangers. I just really hope we don't end up back to being one.

Especially not now.

Not when I'm ready to accept that I love you.

The silent voice inside my head has stopped screaming about the wrongness of my feelings every time I see you - everytime I feel them.

I hope I wasn't too late.

A few minutes passed, and I was a little surprised when I felt her grip tightened. I figured she's about to wake up.

"Hi." I immediatley said when Wheein flutters her eyes open and her still-sleepy eyes fell on me.

"Hi." she greeted back in a hoarse voice. I smiled at how much of a baby she looked like the moment she wakes up with her bare face.

"Hyejin just bought breakfast. She'll be back soon." I assured her. She must feel a little uncomfortable considering how our talk ended yesterday. "I'm sorry for coming this early." I apologized. I don't think she's upset, but I don't know if my presence is still welcomed.

She shakes her head and smiles ever so softly. "Its nice that your voice is the first thing that I heard today." she says with a smile as the warmth from her eyes spreads across my chest, making my heart melt at the honesty of it all.

When she gained her full conciousness, the first thing she did was look at our intertwined hands. I didn't know if it was appropriate so I felt insecure under her gaze and was about to pull my hand away, but she tighted her grip once again. "Don't...not yet." she says vaguely, but I got the message to stay still.

Silence filled the air for a while, but it was a comfotable silence, and so I didn't feel the need to break it any time soon.

"You came back." she states, I didn't know if it was a bad thing or a good thing; I couldn't tell because she wasn't showing any emotion as she says it while staring at the ceiling. It's as if she's letting it sink in on her mind.

"I told you, I will." I stated. But she didn't have to tell me that she couldn't always trust my words.

She nods with a dimpled smile on her face."I'm glad you did."

I contemplated whether to talk to her about yesterday. It would've been a good opportunity to talk to her since its just the two of us in the room, but she did just wake up, and she haven't even had her breakfast yet. I didn't want to stress her out so early in the morning.

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