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Byul drove her to a private resort and booked the whole place just for them.

Wheein's not used to such gestures, let alone such luxury. Byul had mentioned working on a family business, but Wheein didn't expect Byul to be as rich as she actually appeared to be. Somehow she feels intimidated, like Byul's world is so much different than hers.

But the apparent smile on Byul's face somehow makes her feel at home.

"Are you okay?" Byul asks, worried that Wheein didn't like her surprise. "You haven't said a word since we arrived."

Wheein's a little overwhelmed. There was a table set up for them beside a man-made river, in a candle-lit garden full of plants and flowers. She didn't know her heart could feel this full. "It's just one has ever done this for me before." Wheein declares as a form of gratitude. "I don't know what to say."

Byul smiles, apparently happy that Wheein is satisfied with her surprise. She wanted to tell her to get used to it because she's planning to pamper her every single day, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. "This is me thanking you for giving me another chance."

Wheein smiles, she wanted to thank Byul for having the courage to give them a chance. She grows quiet again, Byul turns to find Wheein take in her surroundings with a pensive expression. "Thank you."

Byul reaches across the table, taking Wheein's hand gently in hers, and Wheein squeezes her hand, absently running her thumb over Byul's knuckles. "I still can't believe you did all this."

Their first date might not be Wheein's ideal date, but Byul promised herself she would make up for it. "Well, it hardly felt like work, just imagining what your smile will be like, all day."

"You arranged this all by yourself?" Wheein asked because of the way Byul sounded.

Byul just smiles, "Looking at your smile right now makes it even more worth it." she remarks.

"The view is stunning..." Wheein states, but she proceeded to pout.

"Why? What's wrong?" Byul immediately asked. She just wanted this night to be perfect. She doesn't want to see a trace of disappointment in Wheein's face.

"How am I supposed to fully appreciate these, if I can barely take my eyes off of you?" Wheein says cheekily, causing Byul to smile.

Byul sighs in relief, but she's not sure if she should feel relieved when her heart seemed like it was just hostaged by Wheein's cheesy line, matching her smile.

"You are such a dork." Byul laughs as she playfully rolls her eyes.

When Byul looks back at Wheein, the woman was smiling by herself. "Wheein." Byul says to get her attention.

Wheein looks up at her, a smile still plastered on her face. When she saw the questioning look on Byul she explains. "I just recalled the times I tried to flirt with you." Wheein says bashfully. "You have this habit of trying to hide your smile and rolling your eyes." Wheein notes. "It's just cute."

She didn't think they'd come to this. She thought Byul would be the one who got away for her, because of how many times Byul turned her down; always rejecting the idea of them together.

But now, she's on a date with Byulyi, and Byul's attention is all on her, and not once did she mention Yongsun's name yet.

Their dinner continued; full of small talks, sweet glances, and grateful smiles.


"If only we could stay like this forever." Wheein mumbles, wrapped around Byul's arms as they sat by the beach, watching the waves crash on the sand under the night sky.

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