Rain Check

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Moonbyul's POV:

I decided to pass the club that Wheein owned with her friend.

I told Seulgi about her yesterday because I have to give her a reason why I was home late. And the girl was too enthusiastic about it.

A little too enthusiastic if you ask me.

She encouraged me to have a rain check on that coffee date that Wheein offered.

I agreed, because its either that or she'd give me another lecture about how I should get back to dating, take a step to moving on, and I really had heard enough of her speech that would end up with her giving me potential 'prospects' that I might spark my interest.

As if anyone that isn't Yongsun is interesting enough.

"Moonbyul?" Wheein greeted, she obviously didn't expect me to visit any time soon since I supposedly don't drink.

"Moonbyul?" I asked, not expecting to hear someone call me that...at least not for a long time.

"Yeah. Isn't that your name?" She asked, suddenly unsure. "I'm pretty sure that's what's written on your cap yesterday."

Yongsun's first gift to me.

I gave her a questioning look. "So if Addidas was written on my cap, you'd call me Addidas?"

She rolled her eyes, "Your name is Moon Byulyi, right? That's what you said when we first met...so I figured Moonbyul is your nickname."

"Yeah. But please don't call me Moonbyul." I said before I could stop myself.

Solar's the only one who calls me that.

Although when its coming from her it doesn't sound so bad, but the memories that comes with it is too strong to hear it regularly.

"Oh...so only your friends are allowed to call you that. Got it." She concludes.

I shake my head. "No. Just...no one calls me that anymore."

She furrowed her brows and tilted her head, she seemed like she wanted to know why but she doesn't question it, "What am I supposed to call you then?"

"I don't know; anything you want." I shrugged. It didn't really matter. Its not like I'd be seeing her often. Even Byulyi is better than Moonbyul.

"Okay, 'anything-I-want', what brought you here?" she said winking at me, her dimples peeking on her right cheek.

I laughed at how cute her attempt of flirting was. "You are such a dork." I rolled my eyes, smiling at her.

"Said the girl who don't want to be called by her own name." she commented.

I just shrugged. She doesn't question it.

"But really though, what brought you here?" she asked, her eyes full of questions, as if a woman going to a bar is strange.

"I want a beer." I replied, "You know; because that's what people usually want when they go to a bar."

"No you don't." she contests, smiling confidently.

"What?" I asked, taken aback at her confidence.

"You're lying." She simply said.

I barely know her but she acts as if she can see right through me. I'm still trying to decide if I like that or not.

"What, you can tell that by looking at my eyes too?" I joked, remembering her remark yesterday.

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