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"What are you doing here?" Wheein asks, her face cold without any signs of emotion.

Its been a month since their supposed 'date'.

A whole month.

Wheein expected Byul to visit her with flowers the next day after their date, but she conluded that it was too much to ask.

Surely, she's worth, at least, a text or call from Byul, right? But apparently Wheein waited for nothing. She knows its her fault that she expected anything from Moonbyul; but she couldn't help but be disappointed.

Because in those 30 days that she waited; she have never felt so worthless.

She didn't know what to do. She almost went to Byul; if only Hyejin didn't stop her.

She was that desperate.

She have never felt so much pain in her heart -and she's someone who's so used to feel pain.

And now Byul's at their front door with flowers in hand, "Wheein..." she trailed off, and Wheein wanted to tell her that she'd better come prepared. Wheein would like to think that Byul took a month to gather her thoughts, to practice what she has to say -but it seemed like Byul didn't even know what to say to her still.

Up until now, Byul looked so unsure. And Wheein hates it.

"I'm sorry." Byul says.

Wheein snickers, Byul's words or lack thereof, rubbed Wheein in all the wrong ways. Her anger rising so quickly that she felt like she might have a heart attack at any moment.

"Sorry?!" Wheein questions. "It took you a month just to say sorry?!"

Moonbyul retained her composure despite Wheein's temper. She acknowledge that she kind of deserved it.

She's been meaning to apologize to Wheein since that day, but she didn't what change that could make. She wanted to be sure. She wanted to be sure that she can do it; that she can move on. She tried driving to Wheein's house a couple of times, but she didn't have the guts to actually let Wheein see her.

"Wheein, please..." Byul took a step towards Wheein, placing a hand on Wheein's arm in an attempt to somehow calm her down.

"Please, what?" Wheein asks, brushing off Byul's touch, as she gave her a cold stare that Byul couldn't help but look away with guilt.

"Please be a bit more understanding of me." Byul pleads in a low voice; she knows she might be asking for too much.

Wheein chuckles without humor. "You want me to understand you?" Wheein questions, Byul's asking as if that's not what she's trying to do all this time.

Sometimes, Wheein can be a selfish person, she acknowledges that. Wanting Byul, in itself, was her being selfish. But she was also very considerate of Byul's feelings. She tried to be understanding, even in times when it hurts her. She could swear she tried -heck, she's trying right now, but Byul makes it so hard to do so.

"Byul, how can I understand you, if you can't even understand yourself?" Wheein asks, this time without anger, but frustration.

A Reason To Live | Wheebyul | MoonsunWhere stories live. Discover now