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Wheein doesn't mind.

Wheein doesn't mind that she always have to text Byul first to receive a text from Byul.

Wheein doesn't mind that, more often than not, the only time Byul goes to her is when she wants to go to the cemetery.

Wheein doesn't mind that the very rare moments that Byul asks her to have lunch with her, Yongsun is all they talk about.

Wheein doesn't mind that Byul would compare her to Yongsun, every now and then.

Wheein doesn't mind that sometimes it feels like Byul ignores her presence because she's too focused on Yongsun's absence.

Wheein doesn't mind that Byul rejected her offer to have dinner on Valentine's day.

Wheein doesn't mind because she didn't have the right to demand anything from Byul.

Wheein doesn't mind.

Wheein doesn't mind.

Wheein doesn't mind but her heart sure does.


"You don't have to do that, Unnie." Byul tells Irene. She didn't want to bother her friend.

Joohyun volunteered to cook a healthy dinner for Seulgi and Byul since the two always eats take out food. She's worried that they aren't having the proper nutrition they need.

Joohyun remembers how she had Yongsun by her side when she tries to scold the two about it. And now that Yongsun is gone, she took it upon herself to always keep Seulgi and Byul in check.

"Joohyun, I'm not having dinner here." Moonbyul informs Irene.

"That's okay. We can put it in the refrigerator so it don't get spoiled." Joohyun replies. "Then you can microwave it later."

Byul still can't get over how adorable it is that Joohyun have this mother complex going on, just like her cousin Yongsun. She figures it runs in the blood.

"Seulgi and I can order a take-out, you know?" Moonbyul reminds her, as always.

"That's exactly what I was avoiding." Irene points out. "When was the last time you ate something home-made?" she asks knowingly.

Byul couldn't even remember. In fact, she doesn't remember when was the last time she ate dinner on time, or at all.

"Exactly." Joohyun concluded, knowing that Byul doesn't have an answer. Irene then remembers that Byul said she's not eating dinner at home so she probably has plans, which is rare considering that Byul has grown to be anti-social. "Do you have a date?" Irene asks, closing the refrigerator to focus her attention on her friend.

"Noooo." Byul dragged the word, defensively, if you ask Irene. "Why?" Byul questions. Where did Irene even get that idea?

She notes how Byul sounded like the idea of having a date is ridiculous. "Nothing." Joohyun shrugs. The smile on her face tells Byul that she doesn't believe her.

"I don't have a date." Byul repeats. "And I'm not planning to go on one anytime soon." she adds, just to strengthen her case.

"Its not such a bad idea to start dating, Byul-ah." Irene adds in. She doesn't see anyting wrong with it, but she understands why Byul might think otherwise. "I'm sure Yongsun would be happy to know that you're getting yourself out there, again." she comments.

If it were Seulgi who brought up Yongsun's name, Byul would've snapped in that moment. But its Joohyun, and she has always been a bit biased towards her; not mentioning that Byul's a little intimidated by her. "I doubt that." she argues. "You do know how jealous Yongsun can get, right?" Byul reminisces, a smile creeping up her lips as she remembers.

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