Valentine's Day

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"Moon Yongsun"

Wheein reads the name engraved in the epitaph.

It was oddly familiar, as if her heart recognizes the name; Wheein guessed its probably because of how many times Byul have mentioned her name.

Byul placed a bouquet of lilies beside Yongsun's grave along the other fresh flowers surrounding it; Byul obviously visits her everyday.

Wheein wonders if she'd ever find someone who would love her the way Byul loves Yongsun. More specifically, she wonders if Byul could ever love her the way she loves Yongsun.

But she acknowledges the fact that maybe its too early to think about it now.

So there they are, finally standing right in front of Yongsun's grave. Byul was quieter than usual on their ride to the cemetery, so she knows that there's a lot of things going through Byul's mind right now. Maybe Byul's having second thoughts, or maybe she just had a bad day, but Wheein can't let that dampen her mood too, so she finds comfort at how Byul didn't let go of her hand this time.

"Yong," Byul breathed, "I want you to meet Wheein." she says, sounding a bit tensed, guilty even. The way Byul introduced her as if she's some mistress that someone introduced to a legal wife is unsettling. But she tries to brush it off; she needed to be more understanding. She decided to focus on the fact that Byul actually introduced her to Yongsun. "She's a good friend of mine." Byul felt the need to add.


It shouldn't hurt because they aren't really anything but that, but somehow Wheein hoped Byul would at least refer to her as her date. She feels petty for thinking that way, but she can't help it.

There was a pang of pain on Wheein's heart when Byul obviously couldn't look her in the eyes. Yongsun wasn't really there, at least not physically, but somehow Wheein feels like she's still second best.

She knows it isn't a competition but she wonders if being with Byul would always feel like this.

She hopes not; her heart could only take so much.


Wheein's POV:

"Hello, Yongsun-ssi." I greeted, trying to make a conversation as if the other woman was actually present.

My remark caused Byul to look at me.

It was ironic.

It was the first time Byul really looked at me tonight.

I dressed nicely, I asked Hyejin to do my hair and make up, my mom and grandma even gave me a brand new perfume, just for tonight, but Byul didn't seem phased by my preparation; if she appreciates it, she didn't show. But when I said Yongsun's name, suddenly, Byul's attention was on me.

If I had known, maybe I would've just printed her name on my shirt.

I didn't expect Byul to be so quiet. Yesterday actually felt like things were starting to go smoothly. And the kiss... -I know we're not in some fairytale where a kiss would magically take away all the pain, but I at least expected things to be a little better, a little clearer.

I guess I should've known better.

"I'm glad to finally meet you." I uttered. Byul won't talk to me, so I might as well talk to Yonsgun. It seemed like no one would answer me, anyway. "Byul told me a lot about you. In fact, you're all she ever talks about." I added, hoping that the bitterness in my heart didn't show.

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