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“Louis.. Don’t..”

Harry’s weak voice echoed around the room, filling Louis’ ears. He was fragile, the way Louis liked it. It was normally a role reversal, Harry was the one who took control in most circumstances. But not this time. Louis wanted to be in charge, he wanted to have Harry wrapped round his finger.

Harry cowered against the wall, searching something to look at other than Louis’ demanding expression. He pressed himself as far back against the wall of his bedroom as he could, praying Louis would stop, but Louis had other ideas. He stepped closer towards the teenager, pushing himself against Harry’s strong frame. He could easily push him away, escape, but he knew how much Harry liked it. Louis lifted his hands to Harry’s waist, resting them gently onto his hips. Harry squirmed at the contact, unsure if it was in delight or regret of letting him get this close.

It wasn’t that Harry didn’t want what was coming; he craved it more than anything, he was just afraid of wanting it. He was afraid someone would walk in, catch them. But even the thought of being walked in excited him, the adrenaline surging through him. Louis felt it, feeling Harry tense up at the thought. Harry finally drew his eyes to meet Louis’, and they held contact for a few moments. Harry rested his hands on Louis’ chest, gripping his shirt slightly. They had made no other contact other than their bodies pressed together, but even that was enough to get them both excited.

Louis raised himself up ever so slightly, resting his forehead onto Harry’s, their eyes still locked. Harry bit his lip, furrowing his brow. Louis smirked at him, a grin spreading onto his devilish face.

“You’re so cute when you do that.”

That was it. Harry couldn’t bare it any longer. Gripping Louis shirt tightly, He spun them both around, slamming Louis against the wall. It was his turn to pull the strings. After a split second of contemplation, he pressed him lips roughly onto Louis’, taking him by surprise at the force. Something erupted inside them both, their minds being blinded by the fireworks. The fact that it was so wrong excited them, taking over their urges.

Harry’s hands grazed Louis’ leg, resting slightly below his hip. Getting swept up, Louis threw his hands around Harry’s neck, pulling him closer, their bodies air tight. The kiss deepened, Louis’ tongue looking for entrance into Harry’s mouth, which he accepted happily. After a few minutes of their tongues battling for control, Harry needed more. He gripped Louis’ waist, and Louis need exactly what to do. He jumped slightly, wrapping his legs around Harry, him giving Louis support from behind. Harry steadily moved over towards the bed, throwing Louis down with such force, fear spread on Louis’ face, making him the vulnerable one now.

Bending down over him, Harry planted another kiss on Louis’ lips, this time covering him with short sweet ones. Louis sat up slightly, tugging at the hem of his shirt. Harry took the hint, lifting the shirt over Louis’ chest, his washboard skin gleaming. He then removed his own, throwing them onto the floor nearby, quickly resuming the kisses. Harry bent down, planting delicate kisses onto the crook of Louis’ neck, ‘causing him to grip him tightly, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. He looked down towards Louis’ crotch, and smiled at the ever growing bulge. Fumbling with Louis belt, he tugged on his jeans. The one day he wears constricting clothes is the one day he wants easy access. After finally dragging off the remainder of their clothes, the resumed their position on the bed, Louis buried in the sheets, Harry pressed down on top.

“Harry.. wait.” Harry obeyed Louis, watching him intently. Louis closed his eyes, preparing himself. It wasn’t the first time they’d gotten this far, but it’s the first time without the influence of alcohol.


Louis let out one word, one breathe, and Harry smiled, giving a small thrust. Louis wrinkled his nose at the force, squeezing his eyes tighter. Enjoying his expressions, Harry built up the pace, increasing the force. Louis’ arms flew out onto the bed, his fingers becoming entwined within the sheets, gripping hard. He was close, and Harry knew. He didn’t know how they had gotten to this stage, but everyday the sexual tension grew between them, until it was released within one night of passion and urgency.

Beads of sweat formed on Louis’ as he grew closer to an orgasm, his breathe irregular and sharp. He’d wanted this ever since their first night a few weeks ago, he couldn’t help himself. Harry knew how to pleasure someone, regardless of their gender, which is what attracted him the most. As Harry’s thrusts became deeper, Louis couldn’t hold on much longer. With one final push, Louis exploded, letting out a final moan of ecstasy. Harry pulled out, panting for breathe.

After a few moments of recovery, Harry got off the bed, sore, but happy. He quickly pulled on his clothes, fumbling around slightly. Louis watched him getting dressed, still in the aftermath of his orgasm. His body was still tingling, a smile carved beautifully onto his face. He hugged the sheets closer towards himself, curling up in the foetal position, drifting off into a light slumber.

Harry smirked to himself, glancing back at Louis. He’d gotten exactly what he wanted; control. He’d had one over on him, in a hypothetical way, as well as literal.

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