The Tease

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~Zayn’s P.O.V~

                Drink in hand, music pumping and blasting around me I scoured the club for anything or anyone of interest before downing my drink. The alcohol burned my throat and I groaned. I didn’t feel very lucky, tonight seemed to be a lost cause. I thought of the need burning inside me and felt a familiar tightness and pressure building in my balls, I let out another groan this one from deeper in my throat.

                It obviously had sounded like a growl to everyone but me as I heard an amused sound coming from behind me. I turned around to face the person and was met by a large pair of gorgeous green orbs, belonging to an equally gorgeous and young-looking guy. I watched him in awe for a minute as he slipped one hand into his mess of curls and stared back at me sheepishly.

                The ‘Hi’ I wanted to say seemed to be caught in my throat, clogging it. For a moment I didn’t think that I could breathe. He looked from my face down to the empty glass in my hand before he gestured towards it and mouthed “another?” I nodded slowly.

                He passed me the drink and I slipped it slowly as I curiously studied him. He was just my type, skinny but not too scrawny with nicely sized biceps which were peeking out from beneath the sleeves of his short-sleeved white t-shirt.

                I suddenly became self-conscious, wondering whether I was having the same effect on him. His face was calm and composed and gave nothing of his want and desire away; I almost gave up right then but I was determined, that boy would be mine by the end of the night.

                We still hadn’t spoken and it was killing me. All that my brain had given me so far were cheesy pick-up lines; I didn’t even know if the guy was gay yet.

                “So, come here often?” He asked, still showing very little emotion.  I watched him again, this time he gestured to a small multi-coloured flag behind the bar. Perfect, I’d managed to end up in a gay bar.

                “This is my first time” I replied casually. My brain had only just processed the fact that he too must be gay.

                “What other first times are you looking for?” He asked, curving his lips into a smirk. His tongue flicked out, coating his lips in a thin layer of saliva.  I felt myself start to want him even more, desire flowing through me.

                “Who said that it would be my first time?” I returned his smirk, raising one of my eyebrows. I gulped slowly, watching as his dark eyes followed my Adam’s apple as it bobbed.

                “Interesting” He mumbled, reaching for my hand which was resting on the bar. He flipped my hand over, palm facing up and started to trace the lines with his calloused fingertips.

                I stayed silent for a moment. He was concentrating on what he was doing, nibbling lightly on his bottom lip. It then dawned on me that I didn’t even know his name and that he did not know mine. “I was just wondering…What’s your name?” I asked, as casually as possible.

                “Harry” He breathed, leaning his head closer to mine as the words left his lips. “Would you mind telling me yours, handsome?” He chuckled lightly, pressing his lips to the soft patch of skin behind my right ear.

                “Zayn, just Zayn” I choked out. I removed my hand from his and placed it on his waist, my other joining it.

                “Zayn” He smiled as he said my name; it seemed to roll off of his tongue beautifully. “I think there will be occasions where I will want to shout that” he smirked a little.

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