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I wonder if you knew, what you put me through.

But you want, you want, you want me to love you too

Harry watched quietly at the other end of the stage as Zayn sang his notes perfectly, and felt his tongue subconsciously run over his bottom lip. Zayn was sweaty, so the white shirt that he had donned on was almost translucent at the moment and Harry stood in a corner where the lights weren't fixed on him so he could just stare.

Oh Zayn, oh sweet, sweet Zayn.

Sometimes Harry hated himself for this. He hated that Zayn could make him whimper everytime he as much as raised an eyebrow, because fuck, his eyebrows were fucking hot. And Zayn raising his eyebrows made Harry feel like Zayn was amused with him and wanted to ravish him on the spot.

Which would be lovely.

Liam was singing his solo for the song, so Zayn took a few steps backwards and away from the spotlight now focused on his friend. He could feel the heat of Harry's intense glare and he had to admit that he was enjoying it a little too much, so much in fact that his pants were growing tight and slightly uncomfortable. But he wasn't going to let Harry have his moment of glory by showing him that he was affected just by his boyfriend's stare, so he licked his lips and focused his eyes on something harmless, something-or rather someone- like Niall.

Harry caught Zayn's shimmering tongue moving across his hot, pink lips and felt a soft whine being ripped from the deepest confines of his throat. That man was out to kill him. He also noted the way Zayn's eyes flickered across to his blond friend and a hint of the green monster in him clawed at its tiny cage. Zayn should be looking athim, he should be staring at the way Harry was scrutinising him so damn sexily and he should be looking like he wanted to rip Harry's bowtie off him and fuck him on that stage in front of thousands of adoring fans.

But no, Zayn's hot, hazel eyes were fixed on Niall, who didn't even realise that he was been checked out by the sexiest man alive. Harry seethed a little, before trying to calm himself down as he placed the mic in front of his mouth and started belting out his part of the song, along with the rest of the boys. He subtly made his way to the centre of the stage, behind the table which had been placed there as a prop, towards his sexy boyfriend.

All the boys were singing now, so Harry grabbed Zayn's hand behind the table, squeezing it to get his attention without their fans noticing, so that Zayn would turn and sing to him for a while. The fans screamed at the look of adoration on Harry's face as 'Zarry' started conveying messages to each other via their velvety voices, until the song ended and Zayn broke the eye contact.

The fans screamed, and Harry gathered with the rest of the boys as they stood in a line and took a bow.


"Liam and Louis, you share the same room. Harry, you go with Zayn. Clear?" The boys murmured their yeses as they all dispersed from the hotel lobby. Zayn faked a yawn as he dragged his luggage into the lobby lift. When they were all on their designated levels, the boys muttered their goodnights and headed off to their respective rooms. Harry followed behind Zayn, who had the key, but kept his gaze on his little arse the whole time. Needless to say, he crashed shamelessly onto Zayn's back when the Bradford boy stopped in front of their hotel door.

"Try to keep the drool in,will ya?" Zayn said without as much as turning around and Harry grinned. The grin wasn't long lived, though, as the moment Zayn dropped his luggage after entering the room, he gathered a few articles of clothing and headed for the bathroom.

"Zayn? What are you doing?" Harry couldn't help but question, his eyebrows disappearing into his curls. "I'm going to take a bath. I'm knackered, mate." Zayn replied as if that was the most common thing. It would have been, if Harry wasn't horny and ready to fuck like rabbits that night.

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