because i'm in love with you

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Harry watched as cars whizzed by on some unknown highway in New York. They had just come from another busy signing of their album Up All Night. The boys were all insanely tired; all this travelling could do that to you.

It’s not like Harry didn’t like the idea of them being famous. They loved travelling around the world doing what they loved, which was performing.

But lately the curly haired boy wasn’t impressed with anything. Ever since Zayn had landed back from London after attending his aunt’s funeral he wasn’t the same boy anymore. Well at least to Harry he wasn’t.

As much as Louis would tell him that Zayn wasn’t upset with him, that he just needed sometime to cope with everything. Harry for some strange reason didn’t believe that was the case.  It wasn’t like the Bradford boy to act all angst around the mates, especially around Harry. There was something else going on in his head.

Harry was so wrapped up in his thoughts; he hadn’t realized that the car stopped. Their tour manager Paul opened the door to bus and ushered the boys out, one by one.

The boy’s eyes said it all, they were exhausted and ready for some much needed sleep. A pool of relief rushed through him when Paul turned to them and said, “Alright boys this is it, let’s go inside and get some sleep. Sound good?”

Each boy turned to face Paul and nodded their heads vigorously, they needed sleep and desperately.

Paul nodded and turned on his heal and headed towards the hotel entrance, the boys following right behind him.


“Alright boys here are the rooms, Louis and Liam you’re together.” Paul said, handing them their key card.

Both boys nodded in unison disappearing down the hall. Their tour manger than turned to the blonde one next.

“Niall it’s going to be just you tonight.”

Niall grinned grabbing his key and skipping down the hallway to his room.

“That crazy kid,” Paul mumbled to himself, as he watched the Irish boy skip away.

“Let me guess Zayn and I are sharing, right?” The curly haired boy asked.

“Why yes Harry, that is correct.” Paul answered.

Harry turned to face the only boy left standing in the empty lobby.

“Uhh, you cool with that Malik?” He asked cautiously, scratching the back of his head.

“Whatever” He said nonchalantly.

With that he grabbed the remaining key card out of Paul’s grasp. Without even waiting to see if Harry was with him, the older boy turned and walked down the hall.

Harry felt his insides burning from embarrassment. How could Zayn just disrespect him like that? We’ll it wasn’t out of the ordinary that’s for sure. All week the Bradford boy had been avoiding him. It was like Harry had some sort of disease and Zayn was afraid of getting it. It sounded stupid, he knew that. But it’s not every day that one of your best mates suddenly acts all weird around you. And tonight wasn’t going be any different. A part of him wanted to just ask if he and Niall could switch. But something told him that it’s time him confronted Zayn.

“Goodnight Paul,” He said waving at the older Irish man then headed to follow Zayn.



Once Harry opened the door to the room he heard the shower go on. The Bradford boy was taking a shower.

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